March 16, 2025

VIDEO: My Top Tricks of the Trade Revealed

What does a muffin tin have to do with saving time in the garden? Well, sometimes the simplest trick can make all the difference! With these ingenious hacks, you’ll save time, money and energy. If only we had known these before! Watch on as Ben reveals some of his garden wizardry…

Love hacks? So do we! For more of Ben’s genius, we suggest binge watching these videos!
🌱 X 🤓 = 🍎 🍓 🍅

For more on reusing and recycling plastic bottles in the garden see:

For more clever hacks, see:

Harvesting hacks:

Want to 10X your plants? See this video:

For more on how to maximise and multiply grocery-bought herbs see:

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Top Tricks of the Trade Revealed

  1. Great ideas!! I already keep bees (although they are probably in the fruit orchards down by the river) I do find a few of them in their own back yard.

    I have been growing vine crops like pumpkins and watermelon as an edging plants along my flower and shrubbery beds. I just train the vine along the ground at the edge of the bed. I planted Moon &Stars watermelon like this and was delighted to find that the leaves of the vine also featured the yellow spots that give the plant it's "Moon & Stars" name!

    I like the water saving idea, too. This year I am buying a rain barrel. Instead of going to the trouble (and expense) of cutting it into my gutters, I'm going to fill it with the used water from the kitchen, and whatever I catch in pails set about the yard. (Water is heavy! 1 L equals 1 Kg. That's 2.2 lbs! So, I have to be able to lift it!)

    I just love your channel and your cute little dog!

  2. With the rainwater collection drum, you also need to keep the open top covered so birds do t all in and drown. That happened a couple of times with my horse’s water.

  3. Sprinkle cinnamon powder on the surface of compost when rooting or growing on cuttings, it prevents that white mould that often appears on the surface of wet compost.

  4. Thank you for your video! Your greenhouse looks a lot like ours; I love it on overcast days but on sunny days it can get up to 130 degrees (F) even when it's below freezing out. Do you have trouble monitoring the greenhouse temp on sunny days? Thanks for any help you can provide. 🙂

  5. I know that it is early days yet, but later on melt a cup full of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate) in a watering can with a small amount of hot water. Fill to the top with cold water, and spray onto your roses in April and August. Roses love magnesium so a healthy leaf will have less black spot. You can also put a handfull of Epsom salts around each rose early in the season. Also a mixture of 50% water and 50% milk sprayed on with a watering can will help prevent Black Spot. Liam Burke

  6. Amazon boxes – fold in the sides and then cover the inside w a broken leaf bags or garbage bags or what I did; left over greenhouse plastic. used packing tape to secure to the box. I use this for my seedling cups as a seed tray to fill w the water for the pots to soak up.. also use old pizza dough trays and aluminum baking trays no longer needed. Dollar stores are great for finding items for seed trays and so is the second hand stores. I also used a 5 tiered metal storage unit no longer needed and wrapped it with greenhouse clear plastic and tucked the plastic under the stand legs to secure it in on the sides and back. Velcro the front flap to the sides so it is draft free and secured and also can be opened easy – instant mini greenhouse.

  7. Love the photo album storage for seed packets as well as the cinnamon honey stem root starters genius…quite a few great time saving And recycling ideas thanks so much for sharing …blessings wished

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