March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Organic Garden Pest Management 101 | Gardening Advice and Tips

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Neem Oil:
Pyrethrin (Pyrethrum):
Diatomaceous Earth:
Gallon Pump Sprayer;
Mighty Mint Spray:


Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Organic Garden Pest Management 101 | Gardening Advice and Tips

  1. Rain storms under metal roof bring back memories from my granny's which your Greenhouse did the same stink bugs are a problem here in Virginia I use a gatorade bottle with the big open mouth pick them up and pluck them in

  2. Clove essential oil is really good for ants! Even just clove from the spice cabinet and vinegar will get rid of ants. It has something to do with both interrupting the pheromone scent trails and a compound called eugenol found in clove oils that kills them (eugenol is also a numbing agent, so clove oil is also used to treat a toothache!).

  3. Thank you so much for explaining so thoroughly pest management. I have been waiting for someone to really dive in and explain the differences and the proper way to use them. Your classroom style of teaching works and I love all your videos! Blessings to you and yours!

  4. I put cheap Nylon netting (.97 / yard @walmart) over my cabbage to keep the cabbage moths off (used pvc hoops). Works amazing without using chemicals.

  5. When i moved to my new place in another state, i had to start dealing with aphids. Never have i had to do that before. I read up on them and thought..ok. Neem oil and soapy water…that would work. It worked some but i had to keep reapplying. I gave up on that. Then i decided to go at them a different route. I started planting lavender this spring…around the areas that they appear at. AND this year, i am going to try to put some ladybugs in to play. Wish me luck:)

  6. I let my parsley grow huge and then go to seed just to feed the butterflies, but I had zero caterpillars on it. So sad, but I will save all the seeds (thousands!).

  7. #1 rule about pesticides is "Know Your Enemy"! Get the right treatment by knowing the problem you have. Otherwise you will create more problems.

  8. Plant eggplant near your tomatoes bc they attract aphids first. Then you just have to spot treat one or two plants rather than 30 tomato plants.

  9. Great information, Jess!
    We had a really bad problem with Japanese beetles on our okra & roses 3 years ago, and just couldn't keep up with hand picking. Out of desperation, we sprayed them one evening with neem oil, water, & a squirt of Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds. The next morning, the Japanese beetles were gone, & didn't return the rest of the season. Ever since then, we have seen very few of them, even though I haven't sprayed since.
    I now keep a spray bottle with water & a squirt of Sal Suds in my garden & spray beetle type bugs on my plants. It slows them down a little, making them easier to catch, especially Japanese beetles & squash bugs. I'll have to try adding some peppermint essential oil to it to try to repel them.
    We can't have chickens where we live, so I also keep an old pickle jar of soapy water in my garden & toss the bugs & caterpillars I catch into the jar. I empty it into the toilet at the end of the season. (I read not to squish squash bugs as they release a pheromone that attracts MORE squash bugs!
    I may try DE on my squash this year to see if it helps with squash bugs, but my real nemesis here is the squash vine borer. I try to pick off her eggs before they hatch, but it's next to impossible to get them all. At the first sign of frass on my squash, I mix up a small amount of BT & use a syringe (you can buy them on Amazon), to inject it into the plant. They eat it, & die.
    I recently bought "Companion Planting for Beginners" by Brian Lowell at Next Level Gardening & Next Level Homestead YouTube channels. He researched & presents actual fact based information on pest & disease prevention using companion plants (as you also mentioned). I purchased your First Time Gardener book, too. I've been gardening for about 15 years, but I love watching channels like yours & Brian's because I always learn great tips. May this be our best garden year ever!

  10. Hello Jess and Miah Sowards and family love your channel. You and Miah are doing an amazing job with your new farm. Have a good night sweet dreams God Bless you and Miah and your family. Have a wonderful Blessed weekend from a viewer in Toronto Ontario Canada

  11. Jess, have you heard about Jadam Organic Gardening? I just found it on you tube and when my daughter asked me what I wanted for Mothers day I told her the book he made. It has all sorts of teas and pest management etc. recipes in it. You may have seen it or own it. I have really really liked what I have seen because I wont have to buy stuff to make his concoctions with.

  12. Jess, thank you for all you have done to bring the joy to gardening that I have found. I do miss the wooing of your old Video's, though.
    The old videos taught and I learned a lot from watching the "Gardener's love of gardening," and your new format teaches, but from a clinical, Instructor filling vessels, approach, and that cools my gardening joy.
    Before I'd rush to see if there was a new episode and now I hesitate to even click the link, and more times than not, I find myself not or leaving before it's done,, because I miss the Jess walking through the yard, goats butting, pigs and ducks and chick's all saying "good-morning and "where's my breakfast."
    I know the children are growing and want their privacy, but I miss their involvement on the farm.
    We all evolve and this 60 something finally got her own garden again and I thank you for showing me it is a wonderful place to find your mind and your soul.

  13. Thankyou for sharing this information. I garden as organically as I can here in Scotland. I also work in a garden centre and regularly have conversations with customers on this topic. Encouraging a more all round approach to pest control and your garden will love you and do a lot of the work for you. Like everything in life it's a balance.

  14. Such a great teacher!! I just love soaking any information she offers. I don’t even have a garden or animals but someday I will so I’m learning all the things.

  15. I have trouble with these things. So many of these organic products are just as bad as the chemical alternative and worse, they are persistent. I also have an issue with the mode of death that some of these products generate. Horrible deaths for creatures that are just doing their thing.
    I am very conscious of what I put on my food, but for me to spray a mild chemical on my plants early in the morning and know everything is dead, the chemical is basically done once it is dry and the problem is over is a huge thing. I don't spray it directly on fruit, usually pre-flowering and I don't spray it in daylight (think really early morning) because we have beehives on our property. Other than this one caveat, our property is entirely looked after in a non-intrusive, sustainable way.
    There, I've said it. If you are a grasshopper and you come on my land, you are going to die. It will be a fast death, but a death nonetheless. I am not for one second condemning organic gardening, I just think people should pick their battles. Everything in the store is so hyper-sprayed and grown so fast and ripened in such a shit way that anything you grow yourself is going to be miles better for you, taste better and be better for the environment. Even if you throw a little azoxystrobin at it every now and again. Peace people.

  16. I love this video. I will definitely use these tips this year. I do have a great soap 99 percent biodegradable and from a private company. DM me if you'll need a great 9 and 10 grade essential oils too. It will go hand in hand with organic gardening practices.

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