Wasn’t sure if i should call it Cilantro or Coriander but i guess it doesn’t matter
Thank you to Canon Herring who composed the music for this video:
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Composer of the music here! Thanks for the opportunity of working with you! Love the vid!
Can u pls make a video about moong plant timelapse?
Interesting that it started out looking like cilantro but at the end looked more like Parsley
beautiful video, beautiful music. fuck cilantro.
Is the light turned on 24/7 ? Or you reproduce only daylight ?
Відос топ
So was the soap underneath the soil the whole time?
How beautiful! The music is like a sweet and vulnerable song of growth. Praise God!
lol i watch these videos at 2x speed
Canon that was beautiful. If I was a plant I would love to grow with that. It touched my soul deeply.
Love the video, LOVE the music! What camera do you use to get the shots so clean??
Love it all…especially the music.
You'd never know by watching it grow that it is the most evil, rotten flavor known to man. And anyone who disagrees is probably a cilantro plant themselves. There. I said what we were all thinking.
It is wild to me that such a despicably tasting plant can have such beautiful flowers
I love they way it looks like the plants are stretching and trying to wiggle
I think a studio tour would be really cool, seeing your growing and camera setup
im growing cilantro but its sooo slow its been like 2 months it only has two true leaves
I can’t stop crying, it was a sad movie watching cilantro struggling
can I ask how many cameras, projects you have running simultaneously?
One of those spices that you shouldn’t use too much of.
The music was absolutely beautiful!!
Pineapple tame lapse, please
Beautiful to watch, and listen to, as always