March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Why are My Blueberry leaves Turning Red? 5 Reasons

In today’s episode we will be covering five reasons why your blueberry plants might be having their leaves turn red. Hopefully it helps! Happy gardening.

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why are My Blueberry leaves Turning Red? 5 Reasons

  1. Luke I agree your timing Is incredible I just recently planted a brand new blueberry bush myself and the leaves were red I did a few things to clam the stress I hope It helps

  2. Yes! I was searching all over last month when my plants started turning red. Turns out, it was my fault for fertilizing them when they didn't need it

  3. Thanks for the video. Planted several different variety bushes over winter. Half that were potted and the other bare root. All of them had tiny red freckles here and there but the bare root ones are the worst. After looking it up I was worried it was a fungus but it didn't exactly match the pics I've seen. Is it common when one starts turning red to start out as red specs and eventually turn full red?

  4. Temperature fluctuation – Michigan in particular has gone from 90 to 40 this week.
    Water – The roots of the plant should be able to accept lack of water as it matures and adapts, but it wants damp soil to uptake nutrients
    Acidity – Blueberries need acidic soil
    Lack of nutrients – Amend your soil
    Pests cause stress – Aphids and Spider mites remove sap from leaves

  5. My blueberries die every winter. They grow beautiful all summer, great blueberries but winter comes suddenly here, 80° high to 30° high in one day. I've tried in ground, in pots, bringing them inside the barn for winter and leaving them out, they never come back in the spring. Any clue why?

  6. Two years of no blueberries on my plants, got serious with them this year and transplanted them from the ground into 17 gallon pots. The soil I went to is 50% peat moss 50% pine mulch. (Better PH) Now hundred of blooms. Thanks for your videos.

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