March 10, 2025

VIDEO: How to Tell When It's “Too Late” To Start A Garden

Telling yourself it’s too late to start a garden is so dangerous because it stops you from starting a garden entirely. It is all a giant misconception based on ideas in our head about what certain plants should be started and if they aren’t started by that date then it must be too late… or is it?

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Tell When It's “Too Late” To Start A Garden

  1. Thank you! Thank you! This is probably the most useful video (for me) you've ever made. I'm going to plant the seed that I "should" have planted two months ago.

  2. Start something new and plant something new every week and you'll have a crop of something to look forward to all the time. I enjoy your videos.

  3. Luke, this message ís so important and needed. Thank you for speaking to it. I have been in this position/mindset before and it has limited me. I have learned a lot over the years, and still learning. I am on the west side of the state by Kalamazoo. It has been a wet, cool spring. I have thought about planting before now, but am thankful I haven't, everything would have probably rotted in the ground. Looking forward to the days ahead. Like you said, there is still plenty of time to plant and harvest and provide for our families. Thanks for your knowledge and encouragement!

  4. Living two miles from Disneyland in Zone 10b, Farmers Almanac has my frost dates as N/A and I frequent. If started tomatoes and peppers from seed in early October and harvested from mid December thru early January. Our weather has been cooler than usual, so I’ve started and harvested two rounds of brassicas, turnips, and radishes.

  5. I just watched your video from a year ago about using a water sprinkler to protect plants from frost damage. With all do respect, your explanation was not correct. It is the release of heat as the water freezes that protects the plants. The water does not have to be warm. It just needs to be applied throughout the time the temperature is 32 degrees and below. Look up heat of fusion of water and frost protection. I like to start when the temperature drops to 34. From an old strawberry farmer and physics teacher, God bless.

  6. I will say that in my area (Gulf Coast of Texas) it's too late to plant lettuce and carrots outside right now but they can be planted again in the fall. The best stuff to grow from seed right now are okra, cowpeas, malabar spinach and noodle/yard long beans. I was surprised that it's still ideal planting time for watermelon since it's getting into the hottest parts of the summer for us. July and August are the January and February for us in south because those are the months you question why you live here lol. I do love the growing season down here though because you can start replanting summer crops in August and then plant your fall crops in September. It really can be very productive to succession plant and spread out plantings so you can have harvests at different times.

  7. Luke you're so right. I used to think that way as well. Not anymore. Finally stepped up my game a grow food all year round. I've built so much biodiversity. Some experinents didn't work, but others did. So to my fellow gardeners: go for it!

  8. But what about in Flordia where we have to worry more about heat and the season being over due to heat more than frost dates. Not sure when our optimal season is.

  9. Happy to see this video today! I just got my seeds in the ground after failing in my plans to start stuff indoors. I’m relieved to hear a voice of reason that seeds can still be going in the ground and it’s not all for naught!

  10. You'll never have to start if you plant perennial fruits and vegetables. Know your wild edible plants that grow in your area; you'll never have to start (Dandelion and Purslane – Two wild edible plants that grow all over U.S.A.). Find out if you have any wild edible native plants; you'll never have to start.

  11. My volunteer tomato plants produce fruit and they didn't get started 2 months before my last frost date.

    I need to restart some pepper plants too since some of them didn't make it in to the garden sadly.

  12. I just had my friend asking me this a couple days ago. She wanted to know if it was too late to start something after hearing she could still grow radishes. Our last frost date isn’t even till Monday lol.

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