This is the final Farmers Market of the year for us to sell Tulips. They are the first big flower crop of the year, and so far in our previous two markets with them, Tulip Bouquets have sold really well. We feel confident we can still sell lots of Tulips, the problem is we don’t have the same quantity of them anymore which will limit the sales. Serina also has some health difficulties this weekend that could get in the way of us getting to market. And on the topic of getting in the way, our cat Buddy does an excellent job of getting in the way this week. He normally knows to use the paths, but he has been loving nap time in the clover. Bad Cat, he can be forgiven though cause he so handsome, lol. So come join us while we battle the wind, and try to avoid a disaster weekend, where we would miss out on the farmers market and our last chance to sell our first flower crop of the year!
Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!
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The problem with changing things up is, if you do things earlier, the bouquets won't be as fresh when they get to the market.
I'm so happy for you! I hold my breath til the end with hoping it is a happy day. Good on you!
You might consider getting a rolling seat for gardeners to use when cutting stems.
It would save wear and tear on your back
Serena praying for your eyes.
Hey. My name is Colleen. I have a flower farm /florist in Victoria BC. I have an idea for you. I sell what I call “ pixie” bouquets at my stand for $10. I use all the beautiful but short stems that would otherwise be pretty unusable. The broken bits from making the taller bouquets. They are super popular and sell like hotcakes! Good luck! Love your channel!!
That is wonderful. I love seeing the market sales. The best to you this summer…
Great job, guys! Prepping makes a lot of difference, pity not all flowers you can harvest that far ahead
Serina, you're an artist. The arrangements were all gorgeous! Your kids and cats are pretty dang cute, too.
I LOVE the dried flowers! I wish they were shippable!
Glad you pulled it off! When I was standing a lot for my job, my boss bought big rubber mats from Princess Auto. They really made a difference. Put them wherever you stand. I love other commenters idea of Ninebark. I have one and I use it as bouquet filler throughout the season. The foliage is nice but then you have the flowers and later the little diamond shaped fruit. I keeps in a vase for a long time too.
You said you spend one hour a week folding the paper wraps. Isn't that something that you could do in the winter and store in plastic containers.
It only takes one little issue to pop up to cause some major setbacks. I'm thinking for me I need to focus on finding more flowering shrubs , vines….and try to overlap flowering throughout the year (mainly for pollinators). I'm liking perennials more and more…considering how much time everything takes. Loving my allium!! And deep purple lilacs…last white tulips.. (this year I ended up staggering planting and this helped a lot). I just love the kale that has flowered! Curious-is it loved by the bees and pollinators? I might just overwinter it for this reason alone. So bright and cheery.
Hey Guys, you Can Make Dried Flower Wreaths Too.
Standing on concrete is one of the hardest things on a back. I use pallets to stand on. If the height is too high then cut the side boards down and frame in for support. This made a big difference in my back.
Beautiful! I’m always amazed, but Our Girl definitely knows what she’s doing!! I love this couple!!
do all kale have the yellow flowers?
You should install a CCTV inside your roadside stand
You guys are an inspiration. I agree with the suggestion of fatigue mats where you stand to work and also raising your work benches to suit your height. Well done on the sales!
Hi there! Your farm and bouquets are so beautiful. I also love your channel and your cat helpers. I'm a new time gardener here and this is actually my first comment ever on a video.
I also think it looks quite nice, because to me it kinda looks more like a gift with the bow tie.. especially for people buying flowers for others. Just a suggestion to maybe try and see if it works for you/ saves you some time. Cheers!
I use to be a floral designer so I know all the hard work and late nights that goes into prepping flowers to arrange. I love the idea of growing your own flowers to make bouquets out of.
You are super hardworking and inspiring to watch! I didn't read through all the comments, so I'm not sure if someone suggested this yet but thought I would maybe suggest something that might save a little time.
For those precut papers you have that you fold to put the bouquets in..if you angle the paper with a tip of the paper at the top and lay the bouquet you made on it you could use natural raffia ribbon(twine or anything really) and bow tie around it and not have to prefold the paper. We did this a lot especially around holidays when it was extra busy and it was super quick for us! Also you might not need to use a rubber bands to hold the flowers together so that's another step saved (and less ouchies for when the rubber bands break on you LOL.) I know its an extra expense but might be worth it if it saves you time
It IS flower making magic … gorgeous. What about your "Employee" assistance this year? Take care of you.
Well done!! Your analysis, strategy and hard work paid off!
I love your honesty. The farmer as dishwasher, lol. Bonus, all the bouquet making tips. I really enjoy the market bits. I used to have a booth at the Nakusp market, long before it all became regulated. Among other things I sold perennial bedding plants. Now in my new village location I just started selling some bedding plants. So far tomato sales have paid for the bales of Sunshine mix and a delivery of manure. Bonus, one gets to meet other gardeners.
Great job guys !! xo
You guys work so HARD!!