March 22, 2025

VIDEO: DIY Self Watering Raised Beds/Green Thumb Nursery

0:00 Introduction
2:42 Intro to Raised Beds
3:00 Lining the Beds With Plastic
3:48 Filling With Rock
6:18 Overflow
8:27 Adding the Sewer Pipe
10:05 Adding Landscape Fabric
12:05 Adding Soil
12:42 How the Bed Works
16:44 Adding Trellising

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: DIY Self Watering Raised Beds/Green Thumb Nursery

  1. Learn from our mistakes! After seeing the video we converted all our beds. After we were done and patting ourselves on the back for all our hard work, we filled them with water and many of them leaked!!!! I looked online and people recommend checking for leaks prior to covering covering with dirt. We didn't think of that! I think I may have gotten carried away with my staple gun. I recommend checking for leaks before covering with ground cloth and adding dirt. We are going to see how they work this year and if we need to, we will redo them next year. For now the worse we have are beds with great drainage lol.

  2. Watching many of these video's for this system, they have some medium that goes down into the rock to be the "wick". Yours does not have that but the river rock looks like it maybe has quite a bit of dirt in it? Is that what allows your water to wick up into the soil when the water is down a couple inches into the rock?

  3. I've got two 3 by 8 foot raised beds. Can you let us know what the planting layout should look like for tmatoes and squash and any other recommends should look like

  4. I'm currently building one that's 24" tall and the drain pipe is at 12". She didn't specify, so should I fill the rock to 11" (thus soil 13" deep) so that the bottom 1" of soil is constantly underwater, or maybe 1/2", or 0" (bottom of the soil is at the top of the water level)?

  5. This is awesome! I'm heading to the store to change my reg beds to these!! Mine are only 10 inches deep so if I do the same concept will it work. My beds are only 6ft x 2 ft

  6. I think this is a good idea, however, it makes me wonder if I should worry about plastic leaching chemicals into the water. I would think a food grade liner, like those used with hydroponics, would prevent the chemical leaching.

  7. Please Provide the Lumber dimensions for total height: 2×10's and a 2×4 ??? Looking for total height. – Only info on bed was min. 12" of river rock.

  8. How is the water going to wick up if the reservoir is only half full? The rocks on top would be dry would they not? Please explain how the wicking effect works in this bed when the reservoir isn’t full.

  9. We wrap a few milk creats in geo fabric and put them in the bottom amoungst the gravel for increased water storage. also if you put a price of storm water pvc pipe in a corner as the fill point you can always accurately tell how much water is in the bed. i also recomend putting slots in the overflow pipe, and putting an extra peice of geo fab over it just for good measure.

  10. no worries, just fill with $$$$$$$$$$$ of rocks……. (i just spread a bunch of rock in some landscaping projects and for a bed THAT big, and 12" deep…. holy cow.)

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