March 26, 2025


Adding SUCCESS How to grow POTATOES by HILLING. By doing this simple Task you will give more area to them to grow in. Keep it moist so they have plenty of water to use. And Hilling will keep the soil cooler which they LOVE

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18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Adding SUCCESS How to grow POTATOES by HILLING

  1. Thanks for showing us the Potato beetle. My research has led me to believe that there are two types of potatoes, those that need hilling and those that don’t. I don’t need to hill mine as they all have the vegetable on the one level, which in at least four inches below ground. I’d be very interested in your reply.

  2. hey Mark, love the cardboard box idea. so simple, I grow potatoes every year and never thought of it. I'll definitely be trying it for my fall spuds. I'm in south jersey and always appreciate your relatively local updates.

  3. Hi Mark, that Coyote is living off the rodents around the Farm (squirrel, rabbit, rat, etc); it's not likely to be attracted to your presence, unless it is rabid; that Male Coyote in the video looks to be alert and active. Best regards.

  4. This is my second year following your advice to grow the indeterminate varieties in a box and they are doing very well.
    I hand pick my potato beetles and struggle to determine if egg masses are from lady beetles (I want to keep them!) or from the CPB because they look so similar. Are you able to tell the difference??

  5. We have 100's of coyotes in the woods around my place. I don't go running around my pasture at night but during the day just clapping my hands and using my big girl voice scares them off. I have llama's and donkey's in the pasture, they naturally chase coyotes. A good watch dog will also help, but you don't want to have that watch dog outnumbered by a dozen coyotes. They are more afraid of you then you are of them. All that being said, my dog when I was a child was 1/2 coyote. She was intelligent, loving, & loyal.

  6. That coyote won't bother you. He's not stalking you either. There's probably a lot of mice, moles, and voles in all that leave mulch you have. That's their main diet. In Ohio we can dispatch them year round. Our problem is the cougars that are starting to become more populated. DNR denies they exist even though we send them the pictures we have

  7. Those plants look great. I am not far from you in NJ, zone 6b. We have had so much rain the past few weeks. How do you control for slugs? I did not see any on your potato plants.

  8. No sacrifice! Let them grow! I’m more interested in seeing the final full grown product.
    In our town if a critter comes onto your property and harms your farm animals or you, you have the right to remove it from your property in a body bag. We have thrown firecrackers in their direction and that has made them leave.

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