March 26, 2025

VIDEO: More Planting, Potting, and Picking!

Today we moved our second group of Roma tomatoes from the flats to larger containers (solo cups), transplanted our eggplants that we started from seed out into the garden, harvested one small planting of onions, and set out some portulaca and marigolds.

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: More Planting, Potting, and Picking!

  1. Looking awesome Mrs. Lea. You gonna have Roma maters coming out your ears this season. LOL.. Not sure if there is a breed with out thorns. Plant looks good though. Guess a prick is worth the goodness. Stay safe my friend and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I haven’t heard of a thornless raspberry but most varieties have moderate little thorns. We like portulaca too,I seem to have quite a few coming up as volunteers this season, they are always welcome! I haven’t grown eggplant for a long time but I may try them one of these years because I would like to try baba ganoush.


  3. Very awesome on the portulaca and marigolds in the cinder blocks!!
    Niice on the roma tomatoes!! Mmm baby onions !!
    I transfered 2 egg plant seedlings then they died, never bothered starting more but
    your plants are off to a great start!! Have a good'nnn

  4. Looking good !! I have been potting up tomatoes and peppers because I am running out of room in my gardens. I also have 6 mexican sunflowers I have to plant, one I planted last year got about 5 ft tall and looked like a tree !! Have a great weekend.

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