March 23, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Ways Gardeners Kill Their Plants With Kindness

  1. It’s triple digits here and in above ground beds and in full sun all day so I have to give them a drink every morning, my wicking tubs are way easier I just make sure twice a week that those have water, I had to back off on my squash and zucchini on fish emoluments in the wicking tub, as once I did here came my female flowers lol it’s all a learning experience and having fun learning . Thanks for this vid

  2. My 2nd season. Took soo much of your advice . Especially with patience. Doing really well. All your seeds i ordered are incredible. I have to tag you on my food page tomorrow

  3. It was about 100° degrees today.. my plants were drooping I instantly grabbed the hose, I later realized I should never do that again and now I’m going to get a little afternoon shade for them

  4. Gardening is a practice. Like medicine. You're never going to know everything, and you're only going to get better at it by doing it. Watching videos like this might make you feel better in the short term, but in the long term what makes you a "better gardener" isn't the number of MI Gardner videos you watch, it's the amount of time you spend gardening. So get out there and get dirty.

  5. I like to introduce additional nutrients slowly, so at quarter strength at first and gradually increase if I am not happy with the progress of the plant,

    I think helps it to stop it from locking out as I have burned plants in the past with nutes but never since I started the gradual process.

  6. So I’m growing baby romaine, mesclun mix and spinach in containers and they seem really “leggy”. The stems are long and (strangely at least to me) tend to have 4-5 different growths/branches off them. I know the lettuce growing guide probably has other types of lettuce, but this leaf lettuce is just so strange compared to any of the videos I’ve watched on lettuce. They have only been indoors so far so maybe lack of sun? I’ve been dealing with gnats so probably not lack of water but can overwatering do this? Or is it normal and I just have no idea…? No one seems to have videos on YouTube with specifically baby romaine and mesclun from what I can find. Help me Obiwan!

  7. I have recently been realizing that my saved seeds are doing better than bought seeds. This is sad because I am new to seed saving.I have not many saved seeds. I haven't purchased my seeds from you, so this is a wake up call to me. I will be shopping seeds from you this year.

  8. I usually use a tablespoon of bone meal with each garlic clove and get great bulbs. But last fall I didn't have bone meal so I put in granulated fish bone meal instead (4-13-0). The plant are huge. Am I going to find that my bulbs are smaller come July?

  9. I live in Québec, Canada et here the temperature is wild it's Cold then hot or a lot of Rain. But m'y problem is mostly at night, the température is most often 10° Calcium.So is it to Cold to take m'y plants outside ,vegetables manny kind . I hope you will help me ,please !

  10. I'm with you. I try to do the least possible and just let the garden grow. I can tell when it needs watering but other than that I've already fertilized when I planted. My soil has been loaded with organic material for 16 years.

  11. Tomato hornworms were devouring my tomato plants. I read an article that said tomato hornworms got a bad rap and shouldn't be feared or fought, as they typically don't do much damage. These were definitely devastating my tomato plants. I relocated at least 12-15 huge hornworms over the period of 3 days to the birdfeeder. I'm sorry, we're talking about trying to feed my family! So hopefully I fed the birds too. If you have tips on better ways to coexist with hornworms, I'm all ears!

  12. I have learned in recent months is to remain calm, especially when it comes to investments in cryptocurrencies. Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.The market is very unstable and you can not tell if it's going bearish or bullish. While myself and others are trading without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket, I would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 1.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 9.1 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Enoch vance

  13. Any advice for dealing with chipmunks? I've managed to figure out just about every other kind of pest, except for chipmunks. There seem to be a lot more of them this year than ever before, and they've destroyed hundreds of my squash and sunflower seedlings. They're the main reason I can't direct sow anything in my garden. I've heard other gardeners let their dogs or cats patrol the garden to chase away small rodents, but my cats are indoors only and I don't want to expose them to the risks of going outside.

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