March 29, 2025

VIDEO: We Built a Permaculture Duck Pond

We just finished building a pond and introduced our new Muscovy ducks to them. This feature surely will improve the biodiversity and increase the resilience of our homestead. Make sure to subscribe to follow our journey of building an off grid homestead from the ground up.

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: We Built a Permaculture Duck Pond

  1. Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed watching this exciting project unfold. This pond will surely increase the biodiversity and resilience of the homestead and we've been getting HUGE quantities of duck eggs already! Hope all is well with you! Can't wait to share the next episode. Have a nice day!!

  2. A question regarding the spring of water running to the pool. Since water is an issue in the area, will the spring provide water all year long?

  3. Hoi Dutch Farmer, succes met jullie droom. Zoiets is ook mijn droom en er zijn plannen om naar portugal te gaan. (heb nl Portugese vrienden) Mijn vraag is of er een manier is om met je in contact te komen? Groetjes vanuit NL

  4. Great acomplishment already. Looks really awesome. Did you use keyline design to figure out where to put the pond? Thanksgiving for sharing

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