March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Roadside Stand Makeover! 💐 Ranunculus Season Begins

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The Ranunculus are finally blooming! They are one of our favorite flowers that we grow here on the farm, but unfortunately for us, this week they just aren’t producing in an amount that warrants us going to the farmers market this weekend. Instead, we are focusing on the roadside stand, and selling our bouquets through there. We are also doing some improvements to the stand this weekend as well. So stay tuned as Serina makes tonnes of Ranunculus bouquets to satisfy the customers, and tries to keep up with the harvesting. If you watch to the end you might catch a glimpse of our new snow lynx bengal kitten named Dusty. He is a cutie that is full of beans.


Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Roadside Stand Makeover! 💐 Ranunculus Season Begins

  1. I love your ranunculus, I failed growing them last year, I bought a small box with ranunculus at our grocery store. Next year, I have to try again, now that I’ve learned so much from you. Also, your anemones are so beautiful, I’ll have to try growing those also! I love watching your videos, your extremely helpful cats!

  2. Are you going to grow veggies for the roadside stand? I know you said that you're leaning more towards the flowers due to the competition at the market, but if you create a solid customer base at the roadside stand, would offering veggies be feasible (since there is no competition?)

  3. The ranunculus are so pretty. I'm hard pressed to say which color is my favorite. Loved the idea of supplying "locally". The boutonnieres and then consider corsages for prom/homecoming, would be awesome. You could give the kids a "little summer job" keeping inside of flower shed swept up and counters dusted daily, and parking area kept clean from debris and pieces of firewood. The flower pots out front are great for curb appeal. My way of thinking, if it looks interesting at entrance, I will stop.

  4. I just love watching your videos. Keep the videos coming. Side Note: decorate the outside fence of your roadside stand. It's a great place to put your husband's dahlias. Sunflowers are a stopper. You could also add a small bisto set or just the table with a bouquet arrangement using the most open flowers. I would stop… Afterall, you merchandise the farmers market. Merchandise that roadside stand. Thanks for the videos. You guy are great.

  5. I suggest trying a fresh cut bouquet to enjoy now, then info on a card to turn it upside down and hang to dry. A "for now and later" bouquet. Adds value.

  6. The farm stand looks well appointed. May i suggest a mirror? If you put a door mirror horizontal behind on the wall It will double the volume of blooms and it will reflect lighting ( which i like the mood it creates). How about a classy big oval mirror too so people can see themselves with all the flowers? A sconce on each side too. It will look like a little flower palace inside.

  7. Is there a way to attach a clear storm door inside so when you open the outer door you have a clear door too keep things cooler inside instead of it being completely open? Just a thought.

  8. Hi Serina and Ian, first I wanna say love the energy in your video's. Thank for sharing the ups and the downs!
    I have a little tip for binding your bouquets: you can put the elastic over one or two strong stems, than twist the elastic around the stems and put it again over one or two stems. This can save a little time and you don't have to twist your wrists.
    Maybe this can help you, maybe not 🙂
    Greetings from Belgium!

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