We finally plant out the runner beans and the French dwarf beans up at the plot and then we take a look at what has been growing over the last 4 weeks.
If you’ve liked this video you may be interested to see some more
HOW TO GROW BROAD BEANS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM3zT…
HOW TO GROW SWEET PEAS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scrR4…
OVERWINTERING BEGONIA CORMS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExFr9…
HOW TO GROW LETTUCE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCPLu…
HOW TO GROW HONEY BOAT SQUASH – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubmBq…
HOW TO GROW SPAGHETTI SQUASH – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIHB0…
HOW TO GROW A KIWI FROM A STORE BOUGHT FRUIT – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGvD7…
HOW TO GROW TULIPS IN POTS AND CONTAINERS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XwQJ…
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Nice tour buddy! Our lupins have just opened up. Loving the deterrents for the pigeons lol. Hoping those pumpkins pick up for you:))
My french beans are off the tops of my poles now, and have been flowering for a couple of days, but my lupin out put two flower spikes up, so I'd call that a 1-1 draw
My onions have suffered and look exactly the same. Only the sets though. The ones grown from seed seem fine and dandy! I shall definitely cover them next year. Hopefully your beans and pumpkin will perk up soon. Transplant shock?
Hi Adam, I am beginning to think your plot might need a good load of manure on it. If you have time the next time you are over come and have a look at my plot.
Tetelestai Brother.
Three years my onions spilt and got composed. Only red spring planted have the lurgy, overwintering massive.
Happy growing
Hi Adam, great to see you back! I'm having a similar problem, my runner beans look awful, like they've been eaten from the bottom up, and as for my peas, well the germination is as good as yours; I have 4 out of 2 full brand new packets, and they are very small, around an inch tall. I've lost half my onions to the allium leaf miner, the rest I've netted and they seem to be doing ok. Hopefully the year will improve for us all and our crops will pick up and flourish. X