March 8, 2025

VIDEO: And They Said YOU Were CrAzY!

Are they still saying you’re crazy? Don’t worry! Proof’s in the pudding you’re not.
Hang in there! SEE MORE BELOW!
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Music by Epidemic Sound


25 thoughts on “VIDEO: And They Said YOU Were CrAzY!

  1. Well supply chain issue of needles affects my family because I have a type one diabetic granddaughter and I’ve been having trouble getting her nails without her needles she cannot give herself insulin so she can live I wish people were more empathetic and not so narrow minded

  2. My parents were out of town when I had my first period!!! My sweet elderly homesteading grandmother gave me a rag (until my aunt got off work and got me some pads from Hecks) She said that’s what she always used ♥️♥️♥️

  3. You are 100% Correct that everyone should be PISS and I do believe that it's comming, I call it reaching Critical Mass, when enough of the population have had enough and WILL NOT TAKE IT ANY MORE that's when it will hit Critical Mass and when it does it ain't going to be pretty, it will be PITCHFORKS, TORCHES and ROPES !!!

  4. We got 3 days and may have gotten more, the last time our power went out. We piled blankets on top. Nothing was thawed after three days. I was very happy.

  5. Just a bit of humor, I finally got some Beanie Weenies. I had never heard of them until you brought them up. I was cruising the Bi Mart store and lo and behold there they were on the shelf Beanie Weenies. My pantry is now complete. Love this channel.

  6. Thank you for opening yourself to us all! I have been a silent watcher for a very long time. I do want to take this moment to let you know SC Walmart past week freezers supposedly messed up and they lost ALL the foods and in the dairy coolers. Milk, butter, yogurt etc. what are the odds all this equipment just shut down at once. It amazes me that some people just have not and will not wake up. Thank you for staying the course my friend!!!

  7. We kept a freezer for 3 days once without opening. We covered it in quilts and blankets for extra insulation. I did UNPLUG it so it wouldn't come back on and me not notice and cause it to over heat.

  8. My neighbor who thinks everything will be fine is in a panic now because because that crytocoin he invested in is going down the tubes!!! I told him he was playing a fool's game and now he sees I was right!

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