This gardening mistake almost cost me my life. Don’t make this mistake, and always do this when you are starting a garden or planting trees.
VIDEO: ALWAYS Do This When Starting a Garden
This gardening mistake almost cost me my life. Don’t make this mistake, and always do this when you are starting a garden or planting trees.
Universe doesn’t tell you to do things, Luke. God stirred in you to tell this story. God Bless !
Perfectly said we almost started digging for a lilac bush and my husband was like we should probably call and have things flagged before we do this. Lilac isn't planted yet need to get the call made
So funny.. a month ago I was planting a peach tree in my new home on one acre of land in the country. I finished digging the hole and saw what I thought was as piece of black plastic. Turns out it was a buried telephone line. I was completely puzzled because it appears the telephone company daisy chained the line off of my house, went across my acre, through a 2 acre hay field behind me, around a pond (1 acre), across a 1 acre horse paddock, and then on to my neighbor's house. Never in a million years would I have thought there was anything buried out there.
Strange thing is, there is a telephone box at the end of my neighbor's lane and they could have saved thousands of feet of cable by running it down his lane.
Moral of the story… call julie…
Sooo excited for my seeds to come from you guys!
This would have made a better five minute video
God bless you Luke. You may very well have saved many lives by telling us your story
Very important PSA– thanks for sharing!
Luke, I'm proud of you for finally being able to talk about this! Definitely something that I wouldn't have thought of, and I'm sure many people would agree. Because you have such a big following, think of the people you have helped just from this one story!
Thank you so much. I never knew anything was that close to the surface. Good to know.
Love your work. But slow down a bit. The words you are saying are important. Slow down a bit to let people understand.
Wow, thank you for sharing this! We’ve definitely dug a few holes (1-2 feet deep!) and have not called and should have!. Just thinking about planting a ton of stuff in our front yard and we have a gas line running around there somewhere and water. Going to give 811 a ring! Thanks again!
I'm planning to replace a shrub, so this is good advice. The electrical service in my neighborhood is all underground and it comes in at the same corner of the house where I want to make this change. Thankfully there's no gas line, but full mains electricity can be pretty dangerous too!
You might’ve saved some lives, thank you for sharing. I’m just about to dig some holes for a fence and this video randomly showed up in my feed.
Good message!
We are putting up a fence to keep the deer out of our garden BUT first on the list is finding out where lines are. I don't want to break lines to the well either.
Thanks for sharing this. It’s so easy to forget and assume we know where lines are or that things will be deeper than we’re digging. Never, ever assume. We had a water main up to our house dug up last year and it was not as deep as code requires. Also, the gas line couldn’t be properly traced through the yard by the locator because there was apparently no wire (needed for detection) alongside the buried line.
I live in a 1928 house in Seattle, I found a metal something that's now at the surface uncovered, right next to our raised bed cocozelle summer squash box! I understand! It scares my mom even though it was not damaged or anything it just exists!
First, amazing as always, how you are so honest and open. Usually, we learn from experience, and I can only say, this small embarrassment is worth it, if it helps even one person. THANK YOU, for all you do, Luke.
Thank you for saying this. I did not do call when tilling our garden. I never thought to do it. Fortunately for us nothing happened. From now on I will be making that call.
wow Luke what and amazing story I am glad Your ok I don't think I could begin to understand how embarrassing that was for you I have definitely did some crazy things myself I well remember that If I ever have to dig
Honestly I wouldn't have thought to call. This was very informative and thanks for putting yourself out there to spread the awareness.
My husband hit our gas miter while parking our 5th wheel. What you described was exactly what we went through 911 call, half of our neighborhood evacuated. If you have a gas miter on the same side as where you park your trailer install steel posts! Accidents happen to us all, that's how we learn! After our accident hubby helped our friend install steel posts which he hit the following year, and avoided the mess we had.
Jeez, it makes me think utilities should mark the lines in a permanent way when they put them in a property.
Thank you for the info!
Thanks for sharing!
Very important video, well done for sharing, I'm sure it will help many people and who knows, save a life. Its going to be hot here, but no where near your temperatures. All the best from the south of England, John
Thank you for that reminder!
mercaptan (odorant) added to natural gas
There are advantages to container gardening.
I havent had to dig in the ground yet.