March 27, 2025

VIDEO: 13 DAYS Until an Inflation Explosion?

At what point does everything we are experiencing become an explosive, rude awakening for the majority? It’s coming!
See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

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PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


Music by Epidemic Sound


29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 13 DAYS Until an Inflation Explosion?

  1. I went to hobby lobby recently ( I live in a large city in orange county calif) and it was empty . I think people are spending so much on gas and food they are not buying extras.

  2. R vs W is just another distraction to get folks think about something other than what is really going on. Same with the Johnny Dep thing.

  3. I have been seeing stuff for the last 2-3 months about what's coming. All from different places and totally unrelated people saying the same thing. Thank you for explaining it.

  4. Patera, I'd love it if you haven't already to learn more about how you seed save as it seems you are successful with it. If you've already covered that, I'd love a link.

  5. They are lucky to be able to employ enough folks to man a store for an 8-hour shift…Malls compete with on-line, free delivery services…our economy has already taken a huge shift…a bigger slap is coming.

  6. Love you Patara! Keep up the great work and messages! Oh, tomato cages are way to expensive, so today I made some out of a 50 foot roll of fencing with wire snippers and zip ties! Turns out to be about $1 each. My Lowe's has some tomato cages for over $6 each, and not in the best shape either.

  7. There’s several things coming. The dock worker’s unions are in negotiations out on the west coast and they are saying that it will probably lead to a shutdown of all the ports because they haven’t been able to get everything worked out. Also, they are trying to pass the gun bill on the floor of the Senate as I am writing this to you. Satan is going for broke as fast as he can push his puppets because he knows that this is the end of times.

  8. I haven't been to the mall locally in years but I have been told there are lots of stores closed. Ours is being refashioned as a community center and our local hospital has opened a large gym facility and offices in the mall. Our regular strip malls have lost some shops and many are still on reduced hours.

  9. I went in our mall recently just to get some short sleeved shirts my husband wears. I could not find his size anywhere. They had very few shirts at all. The mall was dead. I left thinking if it lasts another 2 yrs I would be shocked.

  10. Malls are a thing of the past, in my area the mall has been dead for years so I’m lucky to have a Walmart and Kohls..I find myself hanging out at the Dollar General more and more!

  11. So I received my shipment of yes corned beef that I can cut into three makings if done with potatoes mmm so on my can it's stamped Brasil and inspection no. I believe I need more this is interesting because it's not were it should of came from in AZ ok. I'm going my game on SPAM I like to this if I can. I feel fancy.

  12. JMO as a parent of a young adult applying everywhere & not getting called "because hiring goes through corporate" I believe these companies are blaming people not wanting to work as an excuse to cut operational costs.

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