My favorite thing to grow is definitely peppers of all kinds and colors, both sweet and spicy. I have some purple ones on the way as well, quite exited about those
See you next week!
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Which type of soil we can use? or can added any type of mixture within soil?
I'm growing bell peppers for the first time and this is giving me a nice little preview of what's going to happen.
i cant help but wonder what your behind the scene looks like, do you have just a bigass warehouse where you grow them and each of them has a lighting and photography setup.
Darn! Such a sudden change of color, didn't expect that.
How do you know how often to water your plants?
what light source are you using?
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your videos. It's greatly appreciated. God bless.
How do you get yours so bushy?? I have 5 growing and I pruned them but they're still skinny with no flowers and not filling out after 65 days. Any secrets you can divulge?? Love your videos Mr. Green Thumb !!
great video sir
Thanks For All The Videos You make!
This videos help me know which plant i have
HOW HOOOOW?!??!???!! I wish i could grow them that wel
I cut up 8 bell peppers and put all the seeds into a small cup. I left it next to the sink and promptly forgot about it. It accidentally became wet and all the seeds were sprouting once I remembered it. I felt kinda bad, I didn't want to kill the little sprouts…. I also didn't have a garden bed or anything sufficient prepped. Not to mention, I didn't have time to fix one at that time. Well I had a empty garden box and spread them all in it. Forward about a month and I've given so many bell pepper plants out it's getting ridiculous. I did clean out a garden bed for some though… Here's hoping I actually manage to grow some peppers. (I'm not a gardener… so please anyone with some knowledge on the subject, feel free to give me some advice.)
Crazy to think that one seed can spawn such a magnificent structure
Hey guys my question is can we grow any seed any time of the year or in a specific month?
Thank you
So lovely to watch such videos.
I've literally just grown these, there ripening now, cool
you plant 1 seed
and a plant grows.
i plant 9 seeds and only 4 grow lol.
and is really cute how the plant grow "dancing"
I believe passion fruit would be a good video idea.
plants like passion fruit and pea make vines and this is really cool in timelapse
succulent plants would also be cool to watch.
Next: Purple bell pepper growing time lapse
How do you pollinate indoor plants to bear fruits?
What size pot please?
As a software engineer, this makes me incredibly sad that we will never be able replicate the amount of code and instruction contained in that tiny tiny tiny seed. Life is crazy awesome and good.
Great job! You videos inspired me to start gardening!
Ghost pepper?
I have a question for you. What soil do you use for these timelapses? Do you use the same soil for all of them or do you change it depending on the plant? I'd love to know.
Considering how many different plants have to be recorded theoretically at the same time ….this studio's air quality gotta be on f l e e k