March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Gardener Reacts to Mind-Blowing Gardening TikToks 🤯

TikTok has some of the wildest gardening videos I’ve ever seen, so let’s take a look at them together and see what’s going on from a gardener’s perspective!

00:00 – Intro
00:17 – Magic Greens Cutter
01:29 – Huge Mangoes
02:18 – Dragonfruit Trench
03:29 – Potato Machine
04:13 – Luffa Cube
04:49 – Clever Transplanter
05:38 – Super Juicy Orange


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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Gardener Reacts to Mind-Blowing Gardening TikToks 🤯

  1. Bro… you live in San Diego and gave that half hearted description of a chinampa??? I will throw you some kickstart dollars to go to Xochimilco where the last remaining chinampas are. You haven’t lived until you ride a barge through the chinampas eating tacos and drinking beers with a mariachi barge passing by.

  2. 5:38 I remember there was a reddit post from an owner of a small orange farmer in France looking for legal advice. They said that one day they found like 15% of their crop sliced, squashed & left to rot on ground.

    They were confused why would anyone do that? Later they found out some Tiktok videos of an American tourist picking, slicing & squashing oranges on their farm similar to that viral video. Apparently they kept slicing & squashing these oranges repeatedly until they get the “perfect shot”.

    Now they’re looking for a way to sue these tourists

  3. I was just saying to my girlfriend (who is an entry level gardener) how half of these videos are just “if you plant a seed and water it, it will grow into a plant!” So strange.

  4. Thank you for doing the tiktok about the powdery orange! I saw it and was like ewww what is the powdery mess on the orange can't be good for you lol good information on what that powers was! Thanks again!

  5. The juicy orange looks like a Mandarina. They are darker orange and flatter instead of round. They are very juicy (not that juicy LOL), and sometimes seedless.

  6. Bro.. Tiktok? Does no one care that it's a chinese company stealing everyones data?

    On a different note.. have you thought about getting into beekeeping? Really easy if you go the horizonal hive route. Check out Layens hives if you're interested. I built 4 this year and I've caught 3 wild swarms for them. It's a pretty cool thing to have in the back yard.

  7. Someone posted on r/legaladvice a week/two weeks ago about being the owner of a very niche farm in the south of France that grows a very specific variety of oranges that are very expensive and sold to restaurants/specialist buyers. This year they discovered 15% of their crop destroyed. It looked as though someone had just sliced the fruit open, squeezed the juice and discarded the oranges. They cleaned up the mess and chalked it up to vandals. Then just two weeks ago they were alerted to the "juicy orange" clip posted by American TikTokers. It turns out that the vandals who destroyed 15% of his crop were these TikTokers. If this person is indeed the farmer who grew the oranges and the person who made/posted that clip was not associated with the farm where the orange was grown then that adds some disgusting context to that clip. I don't know many gardeners who would be cool with a rando destroying 15% of their harvest for views.

  8. I had a similar mango in my back yard in Hawaii. It wasn't quite as big but it had a narrow flat seed and a lot of very sweet juicy flesh. I miss that tree! In fact, that's the one thing I miss about Hawaii. Not a big fan of papaya even though my father grew some monster watermelon papaya in the 50's.

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