March 18, 2025

VIDEO: My Top 10 Time Saving Tips Revealed ⏰

So much to do, so little time? We hear you! You want to grow as much yummy produce as you can, without as much of the back-breaking work that can come with gardening…unless you know some of these hacks, which our good friend Ben is about to reveal… Our backs are thanking you already, Ben!

For more tips and tricks, see
My Top Tricks of the Trade Revealed:

Want more effort-saving tips? Watch this one too!
Garden Jobs Made Simple:

And for more on those plant-once-harvest-forever perennial plants, see

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Top 10 Time Saving Tips Revealed ⏰

  1. 1:19 …….'till they're nice and heavy with water'….. Such a tiny, throw away line but so very valuable, especially for newbies! Love how your videos are SO chock full of practical info and right to the point! Love your work Ben!!

  2. In my small urban garden I have 3 plastic compost bins and a big time saver for me is a compost screw. You just twist it down into the bin and pull up, so it mixes and aerates all in one go – no PIA moving stuff from bin to bin. Takes about 5 minutes to do and it speeds up the compost breakdown considerably.

  3. My Youtube time saving tip: Watch videos on 1.25 speed (or 1.5 speed if the presenter speaks more slowly) so I can squeeze a couple more gardening videos into my busy day. 🙂 If you're not sure how to do this, look at the controls near the bottom of the video. Near the Closed Captioning "CC" box is a cog icon for 'Settings'. Adjust your playback speed here. Happy gardening and viewing, everyone!

  4. In my greenhouse I have a bed with 5 terracotta plant pots buried as ollas. They are sealed and connected with pipe and are fed from the water butt overflow (which is fed from the greenhouse roof). My cucumbers just look after themselves.

  5. Starter plants cost about 5 dollars each or more here, about the same as a pack of quality seeds. I can't imagine the cost to plant an entire garden that way.

  6. Great video. I have been thinking about setting up drip tape!!! I think I’ll do that this summer for my tomatoes! 🙂 saves so much time as I soent hours in this heat wave watering and watering and watering! Lol

  7. Love your tips, but come on, Ben, automated lawnmowers!? They are horrible for small wildlife. Look into the danger of those robot mowers for hedgehogs, one of the gardener's best friends.

  8. Greetings from sunny Barbados. The sun, sea and sand are free but potting mix and anything to do with gardening costs two arms and a leg.
    So glad I found your vids, they cut thru a lot of the mulch out there. I am a container gardener. Living on an island that is 166 Sq miles, land is scarce.
    Anyhow, I am growing tomatoes, cukes, pumpkin, okra, lettuce and sweet peppers. Lucky for me my neighbour's banana shoots jump the fence so I have some banana trees. Also plantain and mango. Tried to make mango wine with excess fruit, but something went wrong.
    All that to say..thank you for all vids, tips, hacks and knowledge sharing. Keep growing!

  9. Inspiring video, thanks Ben. I wonder if you could cover how to reuse pots … do you have to wash and sanitise them? Also, why do you put garden soil on your table top instead of in a container when you’re repotting? It seems to work really well, but are there other reasons you do this.

  10. I put some wood chip paths on my allotment. The woodchip brought the insects, and then the birds came to root around in the woodchip to get at the insects. I mean I guess it's good for the birds, but it's not so good for the neat paths.

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