March 23, 2025


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Flower sales at the farmers market and at our roadside stand have been so good, that we have been falling behind on all our farm projects and chores. It takes a lot of time to harvest, process, arrange, and sell over a hundred bouquets a week, and all that work was being prioritized over prepping new ground for our succession planting. That means that if we don’t get some work done on the farm, we will run out of flowers to sell come mid summer. We do not want to have to shut down the farm, so we need to somehow find to time to do the sales, and also get our farm planted and back on track. Can we find time to sell and get the farm back on track and planted for a strong summer season? You gotta watch to find out.

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Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

Thank you to Ritual for sponsoring this video

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: This Farm Is FALLING APART!

  1. Watching you both work makes me stop feeling for myself because I have so much to do. I just need to get off my butt and work. Thanks for the motivation.Great job guys!

  2. I have been following you guys for 3 years and finally made it to Kelowna and met you! You are very hard working, hospitable people. Thank you for sharing your life with your viewers.

  3. Serena ini petani yang sungguh tekun dan gigih dalam kerjanya. Walau sakit,penat,letih,ngantok..tetap komited dalam kerja. Jangan lupa jaga diri sendiri juga.

  4. Proud you guys got a sponsorship! Y'all really deserve it. I was thinking, since you guys do the HDTV type intro id love to hear "and now a word from our sponsor" in the same dramatic voice. Just feels thematically appropriate.

  5. Such beautiful flowers! I wish I was near you but alas I am in the USA. I have a suggestion for the guillotine tool that you use to trim the stems. If you can mount it onto a long board and then set the whole thing over a large garbage can and somehow secure the board onto the can, the cut pieces would then fall right into the can and save you clean up time and mess on the floor. And the guillotine would be more solid and not move around when you use it.

  6. The snaps looking amazing! Wondering if you guys should experiment with YouTube shorts — feel like the flower harvesting would do well in the format and might be an easier way to get out content when you can't do a live or need to take more time on a vlog?

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