March 28, 2025

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting ginger for the first time

  1. How do you cure it for storage? Last year mine went bad very quickly after harvesting. The skin didn’t get tough enough and was very thin so it just wilted.

  2. How long did it take to grow – when did you plant it? I am growing ginger for the first time in Northern California, but did not realize it can be harvested in July, I was going to wait till September. Also, those leaf tips are always browning…is that normal?

  3. I am zone 9b by Tampa and I leave my ginger and turmeric in my big pots and use as needed. I pulled a huge clump of turmeric last spring and had to pot it up because I couldn't keep up. It grows fast and huge here because I guess it likes the weather!

  4. Does anyone have any tips for growing ginger in zone 3a? I have struggled with it, but am currently moving it in for spring and fall, and outside for summer.

  5. OMG, that is fantastic! I love young ginger! Raw, pickled, sauteed, any way possible. It is delicious! and a completely different plant than the old ginger. Drooling!

  6. Ginger is great because it requires no care beyond water! A forgotten pot at the gardens edge can season an entire bed of produce.

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