March 13, 2025

VIDEO: The Wayward Garden | VLOG


Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):

– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:
– Growers Solution:

#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Wayward Garden | VLOG

  1. That was the most hilarious statement and truth this year. Ben said, "it's not good, ". Jess said, We must lower our standards for our garden this year! ". Good one.

  2. Barefoot shoes. Love that!!! I am a feral Florida girl. I grew up running barefoot or in flip flops here. I am 51 years old and still not wearing shoes

  3. I am on the Pacific coast (in Baja Mexico), and we are just getting to 75F. Slowest garden ever! I wouldn’t pull anything unless you have starts needing a place.

  4. Hi guys, your raised beds & garden looks nice.
    If you are really worried about the sharp edges on your raised beds hurting someone, you can take a long piece of iron e.g. square tubing or angle iron & bend it over using two G clamps.
    When you do your irrigation look into installing drip irrigation, your Cucurbits & Nightshade plants will thank you for it & have less diseases like Powdery Mildew.
    You will also use a lot less water, especially it you mulch on top of your drip irrigation.

  5. Lol @ healthy toe spacing! The only time that I don't wear my flip flops is if there is snow on the ground and I leave home. Would hate to have to walk the side of the road like that lol Otherwise barefoot at all times. I have noticed, however the past few years my feet itch after walking barefoot in the grass. Never bothered me before…

  6. Ha! The footwear conversation cracked me up! We live in South Central IL. and even in winter I ware some sort of sandal or flip flop unless we have snow on the ground. My shoes come off as soon as I go into the house. I have even gotten into the car on Sunday morning bare foot and have had to go back in the house to get my sandals. Hubby rolls his eyes. He puts his slippers on to even get up and go to the potty in the middle of the night. LOL. He always has some sore of footwear on in the house and boots/shoes outside. He has said to me several times when we have had to coral animals that have gotten out or whatever, "You need to go back into the house and get some sensible shoes on!" LOL. I laugh b/c I told him, "hey, I don't have sensible shoes." Dr. told me I have some of the most perfect shaped feet he has ever seen. Him, not so much. LOL.

  7. we bought a bunch of colorful glass or ceramic dishes from thrift stores and busted them up, then filled in spaces… a few years ago, my daughter painted glow in the dark pebbles and sprinkled them through… was cool effect at night, but faded now, of course.. lol.

  8. OMG I thought I was the only person who thought stressed tomatoes are the best! Last year, I watered religiously, did everything right, and my tomatoes had no taste. This year, I've been behind on everything, we're in a drought, I've just gotten them mulched, I barely weed, and they taste amazing. Also last year I pulled them to plant for fall, and it stayed warm enough for them til Jan 1st! And the fall stuff was a flop. I was so mad. This year my tomatoes stay till they die. And I might over winter some peppers. If I try fall crops again, it will be small scale til I get them kinda figured out lol.
    Oh, this year I planted cucamelon 1st time, and they are finally covered in blooms. And I saved seeds from cape gooseberry from the store and have some growing, closest I could find to ground cherries. I want to try some of those little melons you talk about soon

  9. I recommend using gator dust for your flagstone walkways. It hardens into a cement-like substance, but is porous. It keeps weeds out and is easy to sweep or blow debris off.

  10. MIAH!!! How do you stop the sides of your raised beds from bowing out?

    We cut and oriented our roofing metal in 20” sections vertically as well. We also added vertical wooden pieces at every roofing metal vertical joint to stiffen the framing structure. Yet we still have bowing from the weight of the fill.

    Our is quite full of organic matter. It’s a pseudo Hugelkulture/lasagne style that is 1/3 well rotting old firewood, topped by some not quite finished horse manure compost mixed with shredded newspaper bits and straw, topped by finished horse manure compost. It’s growing some very nice veggies, but we’ve had to brace the side about 1/2 way down the long sides.


  11. I had a big swiss chard show up in my carrot patch last year; i wasn't even sure what it was. I have never ever planted swiss chard..heck i haven't even eaten any before, but this plant came back this year so before tilling i potted it up and it is now going to seed. I am saving those seeds! Heck any plant that shows up magically, makes it through snowy winter and comes back bigger and better has to have good seeds!

  12. I wish I had enough time in the year for another round of maters. The heat and drought up here in South Dakota is trying to be difficult (it's been in the 90's for weeks now, with crazy wind storms), but I have found some success going outside and hosing down my tomatoes mid-day. No curling or wilting, just blossom drop. Thank goodness that shade hits that main garden around 2PM. A godsend!

    Thanks for showing off your garden. Looking forward to a harvest tour!

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