3월중순에 동네마트에서 못난이 감자 구입하여 봉지에 심어 보았습니다.
120일동안 감자 성장과정과 수확영상입니다.
별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요
This is a video of the potatos growth process for 120 days.
How To Grow potatos
+음악(Youtube free music)
Everything Has a Beginning – Joel Cummins.mp3
Take Your Time – Dan Lebowitz.mp3
Sailing – Telecasted.mp3
Clover 3 – Vibe Mountain.mp3
갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus)
소니 a6400 (Sony a6400)
+편집프로그램 (Editing program)
프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC)
+촬영/편집 :
Korean Gardener 초록식물TV
#Potato #감자 #Potato_Harvest
+ Creative Commons
I do this the same thanks for sharing my friend. What a bright idea
와 비닐포대에다가 하니 수확하기도 편하고 좋네요 재밌게 잘봤습니다 ㅎ
Wow lot of harvest love it
Niceee!!! Can I do the same thing with yellow sweet potato and Okinawan purple sweet potatoes?!
봉다리 건드리면 안좋겠네요.
How can i grow peach?
I love to plant potatoes sis one of my favorites vahetables easy to plant even me when I stay in Saudi Arabia I plant potatoes watching here from Philippines
love your content!! thanks!
Wow thank you for this insight!
Me gusta mucho lo que ase gracias por compartir bless
What kind of soil is that