March 20, 2025

VIDEO: James Says These People Won't Make It in SHTF

A simple man’s words of wisdom.
See you on the farm! ❤️
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Music by Epidemic Sound


26 thoughts on “VIDEO: James Says These People Won't Make It in SHTF

  1. Gurl!!!! you are ON FIRE! Love it!
    working in retail for over 30 yrs and in the past 10 yrs especially the last 3 yrs, people are just beyond rude! and entitled! West Coasters are the WORSE! Thank Goodness, my family and I no longer live there…..

  2. Behavior like that tends to come from people who was never properly disciplined as children. When those times do inevitably come, they will be the first ones all of society will shun. Even their best friends.

  3. Yes the best thing to do to a Narcissistic Person is to stand up to them..They are Bullies behinds the keyboard!! People need to realize that a Billie is just someone who’s scared in the inside acting like a tuff person on the outside..When we stand up to them it’s the best thing you can do..They are deeply confused and scared children in a grown adult body So remember that they are adult but your dealing with a child on the inside. Yes this behavior is getting out of control James is right We need to be the adults and stand up to the children with the narcissistic attitudes That’s exactly what they are and what we deal with today!! Take Care Bless you both Sheila

  4. Immature. A mature solid person will tend to thier own business and will alow some grace toward people to a point. Then they will stand thier ground. Hang in there

  5. #1 This type of person usually is full of hatred and angry at the "world". They are very pessimistic type of people. They have the negative attitude at anything and everything at all times. They are not happy if they are not putting someone else down, gripping about something or someone and never have a pleasant thing to say. #2 I would say 99% sure this person is not a Christian. They do not know how to love because they do not have the love of Christ in their life.
    #3 In times of tragic events, these type of people can be a a huge threat in society. They are the type that explode!

  6. Hi Patara and James , Just don't let people like that get to you ! she is probably jealous of you ! You are charming , down to earth , Intelligent , attractive and will stand up for what is right ! You have a lot going for you and I think it simply boils down to jealousy ! Don't change ! I love you and James just the way you are ! Keep your marriage strong ! Cod Bless you both ! Love from my heart to yours !

  7. I've gotten to the point a order and have my stock pile delivered so the K's of the court don't see what I'm bringing in the house. People scare me! Thank Goodness we will be moving South soon and living around more like minded people!. Thank you for everything you say and do!

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