Eggplants are related to tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes – but they require a LOT more heat and are a bit funky to grow. Learn exactly what you need to know to grow absolutely massive, delicious aubergines.
00:00 – Intro
00:10 – Background
00:37 – Size & Color Variability
01:37 – Species
02:32 – Eggplant Care
06:26 – Harvest Tips
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Eggplants, tomatoes, or peppers? Pick your fav!
I’m growing eggplant for the first time ever this year, a variety called Rosita. I planted it in a 7gal grow bag on my deck in zone 5b and it’s doing awesome and has had no problems! It has a beautiful pink fruit and is so prolific even in my zone. Highly recommend this variety to beginners.
Eggplant Kevin blessed us at the end of the video!
I've been using alot of eggplant for grilling. Slice it into rounds, then mix it into a bowl with a small amount of balsamic, olive oil, salt and pepper. After one side gets some good browning, I flip and add some Fontina cheese. When it melts and browns, delicous!
Thanks for the great video, the plants look great! Can you tell us what is the variety called of the eggplant you picked?
I grew up eating steamed eggplant with fresh minced garlic. It tastes soooooo good!
I loooove eggplant Parmigiano my fave way to eat eggplant!!!
Kevin, when you are choosing which eggplant to pick. You want to feel your eggplants firmness. Once your eggplant begins to get softer to touch and is beginning to lose that firmness to it. It's getting to it's perfect picking stage. Taste good eating it raw too.
Look up Pick Up Limes on YouTube! Her Banjan recipe is my fav eggplant dish ever!!
My "hapa" grandkids love the eggplant (globe) okazu I make with ground beef, onions, and eggplant in a soy sauce/water broth. Served with steamed rice. I love the Japanese eggplant sliced lengthwise and fried in butter. Flavor with soy sauce and eat with steamed rice. What a wonderful harvest you have! Since I’ve moved to a more coastal area, I’ve had less luck with eggplant.
I’m growing my favorite eggplant, Santana. It’s prolific and I love it best cut up as fries or rounds and fried up with a cornmeal fish fry and flour coating…amazingly delicious!
Figure out how to make melitzano it’s a Greek eggplant dip with dill and green onions, you eat it with fresh pita and boy is it delicious!
What is the variety of the "big honker"?
We make eggplant tofu often. Copycat Panda recipe is so easy!
got 12 planted and picking them everyday it seems
Thanks, Kevin. Very valuable information.
We usually cut eggplant into slices and sprinkle salt over the slices and leave them for around 10min.
This draws out moisture as well as bitterness some eggplants have. We then wash the slices and discard the bitter brine from the eggplant. We then typically use it in a curry or fry it.
Great video, Eric! I'm planting some of the smaller "patio" ones as a Fall crop once my seeds arrive. Love the Homestead channel and Jacques (whose name I'm probably misspelling), too!
Try eggplant tempura style or breaded. My family didn't like it until I served it to them that way. Anything fried is always going to be good. HAHA.
Awesome video. My issue was the stupid Aphids… Can you cover THAT PART.
Are you able to grow banana trees or tropical trees in your area? I started watching mark valencias channel years back and thats how i came across your. I'm in allenstown, NH and have started growing dwarf fruit trees inside my home which people say is impossible to grow in my area! I bought many off amazon as i was of course limited in my area but i've got a dwarf valencia orange tree, 3 dwarf cavendish banana trees, and orange, purple and lemon drop mangosteen tree saplings. I tried a jabuticaba and grumichama tree but those didn't survive my dogs. I'd love to see more "out of the ordinary" stuff grown out of the zones they are expected to grow!
My daughter (who only 10) made us a delicious roasted eggplant and capsicum pasta. It was so yummy.
Eggplant chopped up and in some pasta sauce is one of the best way's I have ever eaten it. Bonus points if you can grill/smoke the eggplant. A dollop of ricotta on top of your pasta and omg it's amazing.
This video came at the right time, i was about to prepare my eggplant seeds. Off t find more indepth videos. Thanks!
Not a big fan of eggplants, BUT I love miso glazed eggplants
Nice production Kevin. Try cooking Tortang Talong (Talong is eggplant in Filipino) or Ensaladang Talong or Pinakbet. That's the best Filipino recipes for eggplants. Hope you enjoy it.