Think you can’t sow in late summer? Think again!
In fact, by sowing follow-on crops, you can maximise your growing space to give you two crops for the space of one. Sound good? Then watch this week’s episode as Ben reveals the many crops you can plant. Don’t worry, it’s not too late to start growing!
Curious to see how to grow salad leaves in winter? See this video:
Want to see more about growing leafy greens? Look here:
If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
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Excellent! Thanks for the informative, upbeat content! I've subscribed.
Zones matter.
What computer program did you use for planting your rotation crops?
Fabulous gardening tips! Greetings and love from Missouri ♡
What is this garden planner?
Price of Garden Planner? Cant find it at any of the links without signing up.
My cabbages keep getting attacked by caterpillar do you have any tips to keep them away please
I'm inspired! Thank you!
When you harvest your beets, I hope you don't toss the beet leaves in the compost, they're absolutely delicious, great for salads or being used as a substitute for wilted lettuce in some recipes.
Where is your location? Zone? One has to know this for decision making.
Hi, have just subscribed to this excellent site – can you tell me where that growing chart is available please, the one where you click on a month and it tells you what is good to plant, it looks very useful. Thank you
Good information
Good video, first time seeing your channel, just subscribed! Looking forward to more!
Small beets.
oh my gosh its very hot here
so, it's not too late… thanks
if i'm going for a big beat i go for the Mammoth Mangel Beet, it's got the same texture as a smaller normal "beet root" but it's a lot sweeter.
also look for winter beans. :3 those things plant now, and you harvest in winter.
Young Beetroot leaves are great in salads
Small beets f9r me..more tender and easier to pickle
I live in northwest Florida and can’t get lettuce to grow to save my life. I got turnips to finally grow and over seeded the area. Going to see how they do as they grow over crowded
This is great but, how late is late summer with respect to first frost date?
where can I find this my productive plot tool?
Ben, you are so, so, lucky to have a huge garden. Please can you do a little series on growing veg in a TINY garden. I only have space for 3 one metre beds. Im here in the UK. With food prices the way they are, people are struggling. This would be a great to grow a survival garden. I did see your veg to grow survival garden. Please, please can you do a start to finish TINY garden? This would be so helpful for all of us. Thankyou
Great video. I just discovered how yummy Turnips are a few months, so I will be trying to grow then next year here in Australia. They're beautiful roasted or sautéed, and raw in salads, especially when younger.
I sowed carrots and beats during winter, 2 months ago. My carrots are barely out of soil and my beats came out but disappeared. They were sown directly outside. What's going on
What do you think about using Alfalfa Meal for fertilizer, for Yung seedlings I will mix up Alfalfa Tea.
For pole beans question should I start them under a grow light?.
remember the big beet manifesto: big beets are the best, get high all the time