March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Home Birth Vs Hospital Birth | Q&A

#AcreHomestead #gettoknowme #qanda
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1:31 – Personal / Self-care questions
12:59 – Baby / Family questions
21:38 – YouTube / Scratch Pantry
31:44 – Homesteading questions
45:43 – Preservation
58:12 – Cooking

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1:31 – Personal / Self-care questions

1:32 – How did you grow up?
2:22 – What do you listen to while you’re cooking?
4:01 – How do you like to relax?
4:45 – What does Josh do for work?
5:03 – How did you and Josh meet?
6:11 – Do you want to be a stay-at-home mom?
6:50 – Do you plan to homeschool?
7:31 – What is your finance philosophy?
9:01 – How old are you and Josh?
9:15 – How do you like living in the PNW?
11:10 – How did your parents react to your baby announcement?
12:09 – Do you ever sit down?
12:59 – Baby / Family questions

13:05 – Have your homestead/garden plans changed due to the pregnancy?
13:57 – What are your thoughts on home birth vs. hospital birth?
16:00 – How many kids do you want?
16:40 – What will the nursery look like?
17:48 – Will you make baby food?
18:40 – How did homeschooling shape the way you think?
21:04 – Do you know the baby’s gender?
21:38 – YouTube / Scratch Pantry

21:47 – How does your family feel about your YouTube career?
23:18 – Will you feature the baby in your videos? Will your channel become a family vlog channel?
24:25 – Do you still have your dental hygiene license?
24:56 – What is your favorite type of video to make?
25:58 – Do you save bloopers?
26:42 – Do you have any advice on starting a YouTube channel?
27:50 – What is it like to have YouTube as a full-time job? Do you ever miss your old job?
29:17 – How long did you think about starting a YouTube channel before you started it?
31:44 – Homesteading questions

31:44 – How did you get into gardening and homesteading?
33:34 – What is your favorite thing to harvest?
33:51 – How did you learn to garden?
35:03 – How do you keep pests out of your garden?
36:12 – Is your new home your forever home? How much land is on the property?
36:44 – Do you plan to add livestock to your homestead?
38:59 – What crops would you never grow again?
40:25 – What is the easiest thing to grow as a new gardener?
41:01 – What is the best way to start gardening/homesteading if you live in a city or rent?
42:59 – How do you know what to prioritize when starting your garden?
44:44 – Do you plan to add any new fruits/veggies to your new garden?
45:43 – Preservation

45:45 – Will you participate in the #everybitcountschallenge?
47:53 – How do you buy whole/half pigs/cows?
49:03 – What is the best way to start with food preservation?
51:55 – Can I can my own salsa recipe or should I follow someone else’s recipe?
53:58 – Are you planning any more freeze-drying or food preservation videos in the near future?
55:34 – What do we need to start home food preservation?
58:12 – Cooking

58:18 – Do you have any postpartum meal-prep plans?
59:05 – Can you thaw and refreeze meat?
59:53 – Have you ever had any issues freezing food in glass?
1:00:57 – What is the most important kitchen tool?
1:01:51 – What is your experience with sourdough?
1:02:52 – Would you ever write a cookbook?
1:03:56 – When did you start learning to cook?
1:05:08 – Do you want to learn to make cheese and yogurt?

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Home Birth Vs Hospital Birth | Q&A

  1. loved this Q & A good to find out all your views on different topics, and really exciting to learn of your plans for the future, I really agree with your decision not to film your baby and getting consent from others about filming. learning so much from you and your videos Becky. love to you and Josh and your unborn child. it will be an exciting time for you just go with the flow lovely. xxx

  2. First baby is important to get followed up by the midwife and a hospital birth in case of complications.. water birth is the best way if no complications present.. Thereafter home birth as the body knows what to do, and is quicker..

  3. If you want to can something that you don't have a recipe for from a canning source you trust, can you just pressure can it and it'll be safe? Does pressure canning ever just… not work? I have a tortilla soup recipe I would REALLY love to pressure can, and it contains items that can usually be pressure canned, only mixed together. I know for water bath canning the acidity ratio is super important, but if you're going to pressure can, does it matter as much? I could even put in all the ingredients raw and pressure can it as a cooking method, for a long period of time. Is that safe? How do you know?

  4. You have become my favorite vlogger to watch! I am so exited when you upload new videos!!
    I am also glad that I see another woman that wants to be minimal with baby stuff. I am also pregnant and I feel overwhelmed by the amount of products and things you are “supposed” to buy. I hope you and your baby are always healthy and happy! ❤

  5. I just want to say, I think you are cool and I'm glad you are on youtube. You are inspiring and so warm and friendly. You are in my top 5 channels that I watch regularly. I have so much respect for all the work you put into your filming and gardening/cooking/ etc. So… thank you friend. ttyl God bless

  6. KUDOS TO YOU for honoring your child and recognizing that your kiddo cannot consent to YouTube!!!! Seriously, good job!!! ❤️ I wish other YT parents would also respect this!

  7. My grandma always uses a 1/2 a grapefruit rine to capture the slugs. It's worked quite well for her. She would eat the grapefruit and just use the outside skin as a dome the slugs love to eat the inside. Well at least in BC Canada.

  8. Have you ever eaten leaves from crops such as broccoli, beans, carrots, radishes, peas? I am hoping to use some in salads, make some pesto and maybe dry some for seasoning.

  9. I think it makes sense not to include your baby in the videos, I do watch some family channels and enjoy them but I stopped watching some as I felt they used the children as click bait, would love to see the baby when born if you are happy to do that ❤️❤️

  10. I think that you’re smart to have a hospital birth. I’m a nurse and when I found out I was pregnant with my first baby (a girl, Kimber-lol I didn’t know that was a name of a gun/pistol until about 16 years after she was born, lol) I hubby and I attended Lamaze class and learned about c-sections. We kinda chuckled and thought,,,that won’t be “us”!?! Even when the instructor told the class that she thought that it wouldn’t be her, either,,,! Lol, well my baby’s cord was around her neck and she was breech, so in a matter of about 35 minutes into visiting the doc, I was in an operating room having an emergency c section! Not at all what we thought was going to be “ our” experience. But, that the good Lord, she was ok, I was ok and my husband (who can’t stomach blood or watching operations on tv ) did such a brave job. He even cut the cord! Something he said he’d never do!
    I want to tell you, too that keep plans open, in case your baby has handicaps? I wasn’t prepared for that either, but my second baby (Kevin) was born with intellectual disabilities. Nothing serious, but he needed to be in programs to help him from about 3 years old to present-24. He has a job at the new hospital in town and does a fantastic job there. Everyone always greets him and are very sweet to him. When I am having a meeting at the hospital, people ask,,,”where’s Kevin!” Lol, forget about me,,,! We had 3 kids altogether, Liam came in last. He’s in college to become a forensic pathologist, a doc, which I have very little worries if he’ll make it. That boy is so driven! He usually accomplishes what he sets out to do! We are blessed with such amazing kids! They, for the most part, are a pure joy to us. Lol! Liam bucks heads with me sometimes because he LOVES to debate! (Everything!) I does tend to drive me bonkers, just a bit. At the end of the debate, we come together and rest on what we think and end it with hugs and I love you and see what each other thinks. He’s so smart, but I have to keep him in check with certain theories he and his friends come up with. Example: religion, drinking, dating and so much more,,,! I am praying your labor and delivery goes well and, like my gramma said to me,,,you won’t remember the pain once you hold your dear little one! And she was always right! The biggest thrill I experienced in having my babies was seeing my parents hold and dote on them! Oh, how precious those memories are to me! You have so much to learn! I think I heard you say that you plan on having more than 1 child, which I think is very smart. Then they can blame each other for knocking over a plant,,,. Lol! If I could offer you some well learned and successful thoughts on raising your child/ren please never let them call each other names,,,(stupid, jerk, idiot, retard etc,,,) if you and Josh don’t do that, it’s much easier to train you kiddos up following your lead. Also,,,,,,if you tell your child “no” keep that answer,,,even though it will sometimes hurt you don’t sway, girl! You’ll thank me later, I promise you. You and Josh sort things (argue/hash out your plans on rules about the kids etc,,) in private. I remember me and my hubby had a very small heated discussion and the kids cried saying that we were going to divorce! We both was shocked and assured them that because we argued doesn’t mean that we’re divorcing! They said that they had so many divorced families in their school class that they thought that’s what was happening to us! God forbid! My other very important advice is to take your kids to church, with you and Josh. I didn’t hear you say anything about going to church in this latest update/chat. Our country is really needing a great group of kids raised up to be men and women of honor. Teach them that they are awesomely made by God and praise them often for everything they try to achieve. Not everybody wins the blue ribbon, but everybody wins by trying! I hope you know what I’m trying to say? Ok, I’m done fir now. I respect you and admire your gumption! You go girl! Let the Lord bless you! Dee. (Sorry so long, I guess you tapped on to my mom button and I had to share. Let me know if you have trouble breast feeding? I had 2 out of 3 that took about 5 weeks until they could latch on. I’ll share some tips with you, if you need them. Lol, I’m sorry, you may not breast feed, you may be bottle feeding? I didn’t get to the end of your video, yet. If your breast feeding, you need your husbands support (very important) because if he’s grossed out, or (yes) jealous, you may have a problem, but breast fed babies don’t throw up nearly at all as much as bottle fed babies and their not as gassy and it won’t smell nearly as bad as bottled babies. Trust me on that! Congrats on your new forever home and your baby news and your happy marriage. Always nurture that garden more than your planted garden. Your hubby will need to know that his not in the back seat after the baby comes. Hopefully he’ll be ok? But I know of dads feeling left out and not doted on as much,,,,,I love ya! Nice chatting with you. Dee.

  11. My daughter is 30 I am worried she waited to late to have a child cause when she 40 her child be ten and she be older when she has her seconded ! Do u worrie u may be to old ti do a lot things with your child ! I started at 21 and is grandma I love being young ti do all things with. The kids !! Do u worrie cause u older I asked my daughter and she does how do u ! So true we fed our kids what I ate get baby blender ! Don’t add salts and pepper that all ! Leave natural that one thing u will have to change . And shell fish was a no no in our family just cause allergies!

  12. It’s great to plan but with my two nothing went as planned. I actually worked at the hospital where I had my first born. I ended up having a c section with both of my kids. I tried to have them naturally for two days before having to give in and have a c-section. Stay active as much as you can it will help. Love watching your videos.

  13. Thank you for respecting your child's privacy. It is so refreshing to see and hear . Many content creators use their children for content and not in a safe way. You are a breath of fresh air. It makes me love your channel even more.
    Congratulations on the new addition and to your new home ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  14. Hi Becky… a maternity nurse of many years….I can tell you that having no "rigid " plan for your baby's birth is the SMARTEST thing you can do! Women that feel they have to be in total control while in labor usually have the toughest time. Those that come in with the two page typed birth plan for an all natural birth with no monitoring, no meds, and as little interference as possible from the medical staff end up with C-sections almost every time. I believe it's because they are so wired to remain in total control that they never relax enough to allow the body to do what it will naturally do! So good for u!!

  15. Hi Becly. Thanky for these questions and answers. Now i know, exactly where You Josh, are Living. Sorry i am Australian. I had no idea where you live. i cook mostly food you do and grow, because my Parents were European. Like You Becky i Love Fresh Food…Well Done, All The Best. Thanky for Sharing…

  16. No plan sounds like a good idea, but can end up in a scenario where they perform a ton of unnecessary interventions that you otherwise wouldn’t have needed. As a third time mama I highly recommend doing some research in the kind of interventions that happen most and more importantly research how to not get in a situation where you would “need” such an intervention. With my first, they performed an episiotomy because my push contractions didn’t start right away and they didn’t want to wait for me to get them (which you can totally do, I learned afterwards). I had to push the baby out on my own strength. Contractions almost always pick back up and mothers can just enjoy the short rest they get until they do! Just an example of something that would’ve gone differently had I researched it.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing your stories and advice! As for baby meals, I bought my best friend a Baby Bullet and she loved it. She is an excellent cook and was able to blend up her baby’s meals with the same ingredients she used for her and her husband. She just took out any spicy seasonings or gaseous foods that would upset baby’s tummy before blending.

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