January 10, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: This common "weed" is actually delicious

  1. That weed drives me crazy. I didn't know it was an edible weed. Too bad I can't harvest it here in my co-op community because they spray pesticides. Thanks for the info Kevin. You taught me something new today.

  2. purslane is a plant widely consumed in the Mediterranean where it has been discovered that the cholesterol level is the most stable in the world

  3. I like to sauté them with onions, garlic and a little of habanero pepper. And put some inside a quesadilla. They taste delicious! They are known as verdolagas in Mexico and they are used in many dishes.

  4. Super nerdy, but plants that can withstand heat or drought separately evolved 2 different, unique types of photosynthesis adaptations. Purslane is super cool & unique because unlike other heat/drought tolerant plants that evolved either one or the other, purslane evolved to have BOTH. It's begin studied to help understand how we may be able to engineer important crops to also have both that have only evolved to only have 1 in order to better withstand climate change. A very unassuming, but amazing weed.

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