March 6, 2025

VIDEO: ⛈ The Eye of The Storm ⛈

We are in the eye of the storm. Stay busy!
❤️ See you on the farm!
~ Seed to Seed:
~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

Patara’s Social Media:
~ Facebook:
~ Facebook Premium Group:
~ Instagram:


*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


Music by Epidemic Sound


26 thoughts on “VIDEO: ⛈ The Eye of The Storm ⛈

  1. Its the frog in the pot…..It is always, look over here, don't look over there to see what we're really doing behind your back. Never have I noticed more evil in this world as now. Thank you Pantera for all you do to encourage us.

  2. Great video Patara! You are such an uplifter! We too have gone through a serious emergency time and it just wipes you out. Unfortunately, I do not have your strength and it's taken a week of my precious time away from my mental and emotional abilities. This is a new week and I'm moving forward.

  3. I love jewelweed (touch-me-not) and have two varieties growing on my property… I don't have blooms yet, though I haven't checked yet today. The hummingbirds love them!

  4. Glad to hear you took a little break. With everything that's going on plus working in this hot weather can wear you down. I love the common sense you deliver.

  5. Distraction and Devil both start with the letter D. Prayers Peace and Patara start with P. It's simple keep your eyes on Him and your hands busy. Love from sunny California.

  6. The prices going up on the cookies brought to mind when I went to the grocery store during the high inflation period of the early 80s. I was shocked to see 5 lb of sugar had gone up to $4. Wages were a lot lower then so that was a lot.

  7. Thank you so much…when you talk here like seems that you are talking just to me only…but of course in reality you are speaking with all of us…I sents your happiness, your worry, your pain, your concern and your attempt not to get emotional…making those tears get back into those tear ducts. You are so special..
    Thank you dear girl…
    Lynne Dunn
    Colorado River, Az

  8. Wishing my American sisters God's protective hand. We are all in this together and together we will move through this to the other side – you are not alone. Love from Aussie girl!

  9. Awesome video. This was a very powerful talk. Stay strong and don’t let people or things get you down. Patara, don’t let anyone or anything depress you, not even the price of look-a-like girl scout cookies.

  10. Dear Patara…Take all the brakes you want to or need to because your life is a very full one. We are honored that you care about all of us so much.
    You inspire everyone…thank you..

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