March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How Many Garden Tips Can We Give With 5 Minutes of Battery Life?

We did a lightning round garden video with less than 5 minutes of battery left on our phone. Challenge accepted!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How Many Garden Tips Can We Give With 5 Minutes of Battery Life?

  1. Short is good but I really don't mind long videos as long as there's NOT TOO MUCH VERBAL REPITITION!! Every single word should add value to the presentation and not just be repeated over and over, making the video "bloated and blousy". Luke, love ya to bits, but that's why I often find your long videos hard to sit through. I'm short of time, like everyone, and have a million distractions so I favour videos that are solid, straightforward and focused on packing in good info, and efficiently using time. I was pretty good at padding out essays in high school to hit the word count. Unfortunately that does not get you the highest mark. Big hugs from Australia!

  2. I love dill. I wish it would be all over my garden because it’s good for the butterflies and other pollinators. I tried growing more doll but I didn’t keep it moist enough during the heat wave.

  3. This isn't really you Luke. The whole thing felt so rushed. I much prefer your other well thought out videos. Just be yourself–your videos are great as is.

  4. Great challenge to tackle and seems fun to do. I, personally, like longer videos because I watch them during down time, like lunch breaks and other meals, and I enjoy the plethora of information.

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