March 24, 2025

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to prune roses correctly

  1. Can you do some overwintering vids? Like how to keep certain plants safe from the cold, different methods, tools to help, when should I stop watering things that need to be wrapped up/buried (like raspberries), and whatever else there is on that subject that you feel you can provide! All the best

  2. One important thing missing in this video is, it should be an OUTSIDE bud, so that the new growth goes out and allows for good air flow and more open in the center of the plant. Happy gardening and have a great day!!

  3. My mother used to grow award winning roses (I loved her Eiffel Towers!) and taught me to cut the bud facing the direction you want the new branch to go, not just any bud that could grow in the wrong direction. She always cut her branches back to 3 main branches or 4 if the branches are equally spaced out.

  4. I would love to see videos on getting seeds from flowering plants! That way you don’t have to rely on people that sell seeds and can be a little more self sufficient.

  5. PSA – Rose thorns can cause infections if the prick you.

    I got pricked by one of the thornes last year while pruning one of these (through my gardening gloves even). It must have had some bacteria on it because it seemed to have caused some infection. Even though I just got pricked on a finger (no blood or thorn reminent in skin), my whole arm began to get sore after a week and stayed sore for over a week after that.

    Once I realized there was an issue I hot serious about cleaning out the infection site with alcohol and applying ointment, etc., while it helped it was a little bit to late. The next time it happened I did that immediately and didn't have an issue.

    Bottom line is that roses can be dangerous – don't ignore a minor prick just because it didn't bleed or there was no part of the thorn in your skin!

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