What an amazing day! We finally get to visit our farmer who has been growing the Giant Crimson tomato for us for the year. We got to pick from 6 rows and harvested over 300 pounds of Giant Crimson tomatoes for seed for all of you!
VIDEO: Harvesting 300 POUNDS of Giant Crimson Tomatoes!
What an amazing day! We finally get to visit our farmer who has been growing the Giant Crimson tomato for us for the year. We got to pick from 6 rows and harvested over 300 pounds of Giant Crimson tomatoes for seed for all of you!
Will the Giant Crimson grow in a hot, dry climate?
Harvesting my Giant Crimsons now… delicious and super prolific! Had a friend stop by today and while showing them off I explained your story of how this breed was resurrected from extinction. Well done Luke, thanks for all your hard work!
My Giant Crimson are about 8 ft tall. They were knocked over in a thunderstorm and are now growing sideways.
Do you sell the seeds?
I am using these in place of paste tomatoes for sauce. They are uniform in color, great texture, super healthy and blight resistant even when blight is on other varieties all around it I will always grow these. Yes the sizes are all over the place but that’s ok.
Goes to show what intensification and commercialisation of farming and agriculture has done. Has led to fewer varieties of vegetables, fruits and cereals within their different types leading to a lot of monocultures. THANKFULLY, there are folks like yourself to TRY and reverse the trends if that is even possible.
How far apart do you space out your different varieties of tomatoes when it comes to saving seeds?
I love you
This is so interesting! What a story! Congratulations for saving the Giant Crimson!
I have a beautiful tomatoe plant and no tomatoes. I wonder why.I
I’ve in Florida
I would love to buy some seeds from y’all
Glad to know that the Giant Crimson aren't expected to be giant LOL!! I purchased seed from you this past spring. Grew 3 seedlings and saved the remaining two "just in case". I planted 2 of the seedling in my own garden and gave the third seedling to another seed saving gardening friend. I have been very happy with the production of these plants but wondered about the size. As a Maine gardener, the tomatoes are just coming on now and tomorrow we will be giving the Giant Crimson a taste test! Thank you Luke for bringing this tomato back!
Great story on your seed find. Glad it was successful. Blessings from Massachusetts.
What do you do with the rest of the tomatoes after removing the seeds?
Growing 2 from seed I purchased from your shop. I just love the history behind this yummy heirloom!
Growing 2 from seed I purchased from your shop. I just love the history behind this yummy heirloom!
Getting the tomato seeds, do you use the rest of the tomato in sauce or use? They look amazing, I am so happy for you. I like the big paste tomato.
I'm so happy for you. I remember when you were first germinating the original seeds. You must feel a great sense of accomplishment.
Aren't all those tomatoes going to cross-pollinate grown together?
You don’t know how excited I am to get an update on this
I don't quite get it. How do the different varieties not cross polinate?
What a beautiful harvest.
So awesome!!!!!!