March 27, 2025

VIDEO: A Massive Summer Harvest for Winter Eating!

#AcreHomestead #BackyardHomestead #growingfood
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Canning Supplies I Used:
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Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —

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Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Massive Summer Harvest for Winter Eating!

  1. I just love the dedication of your parents. Them choosing to get down in your garden and help you. They're so much loving, and calm.

    And the harvest shows the goodness and providence of God.

  2. Amazing harvest, and amazing bed cleaning job u all did there.. it will give u less anxiety & overwhelming feeling the next time u r out there thats for sure ❤️

  3. The garden looks amazing after such a long day of care and work! I almost hate to ask what about the potatoes you planted in the fenced area – the old chicken run???

  4. Looks like nutsedge grass. I would suggest that you take a piece of this grass to your local nursery so that they can tell you what kind it is and help you get rid of it. It is so invasive. If you do nothing else, please make sure to thoroughly clean your garden tools that you have used here or you will be taking this grass with you to your new garden!

  5. I actually love when it's an overcast day and the sun isn't beating down on you. The harvest turned out great! I know you don't save the onion and carrot tops Becky but next time save a few. They're really good substitutes for parsley and they can be turned into carrot leaf and onion leaf powder or dehydrated and turned into dried herbs. Can't wait to see what yummy recipes you'll use them in.

  6. It looks like Bermuda grass, which I loathe and despise with a deep passion
    It's actually really nice to see someone else's messy garden, we've had a heck of drama filled summer and the garden has been the last priority and looks nearly as bad as when we started.
    Im relieved when I can see other's struggle too, but still get produce!

  7. Sounds similar to our couch (cooch) grass. The runners go so deep, but mulching seems to make the roots run higher and it becomes easier to pull – but don't break any bits off because they will grow from the tiniest bit! So with the mulch and covering with dark material and it will die off. Ah little voles! Such a little pest – the only time when I am happy to see the fox as they chew the potatoes for moisture if it is dry! But what a great harvest, thank you. Well done. Now I must get on top of my own weeds!

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