March 28, 2025

VIDEO: 🤔 INFLATION Is Changing My Farm!

Due to inflation & supply chain issues, we are rethinking our farm & how we are bettering our self-sustainability! What will we change?
Stay busy! ❤️ See you on the farm!
~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

Patara’s Social Media:
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*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

~ Music by Epidemic Sound

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 🤔 INFLATION Is Changing My Farm!

  1. We have a very small house and my husband is in the kitchen doing supper dishes. I am laughing because he is listening to you and saying uh huh, yes, no and other such responses. He doesn't do that with any other video producer.

  2. You know the great hunters of cats we bring inside during their retirement never quit hunting. My Tigr was the best outside anything that moved, she got plus ran away other cats that wanted to make my front of house flower beds their litter box. She still patrols the house inside and we don't have pests.

  3. I went to high-school in North GA , my first pastor was in Ashland, and Painrtsville, KY, I have served 11 congregations on.the US and Canana, but–having retired in ND here i
    have not seen a barn here that has fewer than3 very independent cats.
    I think you're cute, wise and l love your videos.
    I don't speak Teen-n very well, but understand most of it.
    Rev.Dr. Howard Lyons (Aka Jack)
    Minot, ND

  4. PATERA, I moved from the city to a small town. I bought a 100 year old house. Last fall I caught a mouse in my garage. None since. Talked to a neighbor and he said " we dont have mice here in town, there another cats here that mice don't make it.." and hes right. There must be a dozen outside cats roving my block..

  5. Had a couple really cool cats that I loved. But honestly, I get more mouse control from snakes and hawks. If you'll tolerate the rat snakes and king snakes, the mice won't regard your house as a safe place to live. Keep grass cut short around the house, so the mice can't move through it without the hawks seeing them, and they won't come "visiting", either.

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