March 6, 2025

VIDEO: These People HATE My Guts!

Hate & division will be the cause of our ultimate downfall & these folks are the perfect example of how! Let’s be a BETTER people.
Stay busy! ❤️ See you on the farm!
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~ Music by Epidemic Sound

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: These People HATE My Guts!

  1. I completely understand racism and it is always from disgusting, small minded, under the rocks people who spread it through many generations. My great grandmother and great grand father were Cherokee and I’ve been called things out of this world. I’m also married to an African American man and have 4 mixed sons. We know from experience how awful it can be our home was set on fire by those kind of awful people . You hang in there keep telling the truth. Divided we fall but coming together as one nation under God we stand. God bless you and we just need to pray for them folks.

  2. People are becoming more and more hateful. The thing is is that is something they have to deal with. All we can do is Thank the good Lord that we aren't them. Those kind of people make me realize that my life isn't so bad. Sitting around doing nothing but complaining and bitching about channels shows they have no life and nothing in their life they are happy about. They are just jealous cause you have a loving husband, great kids, and a fantastic homestead. Jealousy turns people into mean spirited people. Since they are more concerned about criticizing people than taking care of themselves, they will end up in a mess when SHTF. No REAL preppers spend all their time complaining and not doing. Love your channel Patera.

  3. You don’t owe anyone to explain yourself like this! Life is too short. Delete and block junk like that and don’t look back. These people do have demons and they don’t deserve your breath & time!!! There are MANY more with you than against you!

  4. Our Creator God is looking at our HEARTS…….not our skin color/background. Lord, we ask that You keep our HEARTS from evil…..let Your Spirit flow in us and through us every day we are alive.

  5. This is most likely not the video to ask for this kind of advice, but my only way of contacting you. I finally have the ability to stock my pantry for emergencies: Other than canned goods and foods I enjoy, do you have a list of things I should invest in? Thank you

  6. Happy Anniversary Patara and James. So many things you say make me think I'm looking in mirror. These people who judge aren't worth it. They will never bring us down,they put more strength in us,although,the hard way. Love your insight gf!

  7. I’m so sorry you are getting this much backlash I think your a beautiful soul and I look up to you very much your wise as can be I pray people wake up and listen to the message being said so sad

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