March 13, 2025

VIDEO: How to Build an Easy DIY Compost Bin

Here’s a simple compost bin build you can make with wood from a local hardware store, or even DIY it from pallets. It’s an extension of the classic 3-bin hot composting system, to add two more bins. This size works well for us at the Epic Homestead due to the size of our garden, and the 5th bin is a great potting soil / finished material storage as well.


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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Build an Easy DIY Compost Bin

  1. Single Bin Design (to add more bins, add more side panels)


    All pieces cut to 3' long

    (6) 1×6” boards
    (1) 2×4” boards

    2 Side panels

    All pieces cut to 3' long

    (4) 2×6” boards
    (4) 2×4” boards
    (10) 1×6” boards
    (4) 2×2” boards


    (6) ea 1×6” boards cut to fit front, roughly 32” each

  2. Anyone from Florida? Plz I need help. I´m from Peru and I will be visiting Tampa and Orlando for a week and I wish to buy seeds of sungold cherry tomatoes, shishito peppers, super sweet 100 cherry tomatoes, brocolini and stuff like that. Can anyone recommend a good store to go to? Or maybe a good online store to buy from? thank you in advance for your help!

  3. Great Video as Always! ALSO,

    If you bought that Miter Saw within the last two years (or so) check if it's part of the Group that got recalled. Dewalt is offering a kit where you can replace the affected part. More info on their website.

  4. Ultra cheap way I made mine was 1/2” hardware cloth at 3 ft tall. Measure out to around 10 ft long for the circumference and boom! 3 ft volume cylinder using zip ties. I bought 100 ft at $150 ish last year.

    Edit: I’m 5’3” and I can manage turning the compost into another bin next to it. When it gets close to the bottom, it’s easy to lift the bin and then pitchfork the rest of the compost in to the new bin. It would likely be much easier to use the slat system but if you don’t have a lot of money and have a lot of compost to make, this method is great.

  5. Now try it with real used pallets and using a pallet splitter and achieve that level of perfection. Accept the challenge you know you want to for the sake of the economy

  6. I grow my plants on a terrace in various containers. My compost bin is literally a large bucket with waste continuously chucked into and left to decompose xD
    Occasionally mix it/turn it around with a thick branch. I know there's more to composting, especially to get a dry version, but we dig out and add the stinky, wet mass to soil as and when needed and it does work for now hehe

    What does it take for the rotting mass in a bucket to turn into a dried out compost? I'm curious

  7. Have you thought about putting pavers underneath the corners? That way you have a barrier between the bottom and the ground. It might slow down the rotting of the wood at those contact points?

  8. This video came at the most perfect time. I have some questions… If you had a choice of any spot around your garden where is the best spot? North, south, east, west? How much sun or shade is appropriate? I’m on 7 acres and just starting with a 20×30 garden on south east side of my house. Does it matter how much sun and wind exposure the bins get. I should mention I’m in NY zone 5b so weather is severe at times.

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