March 22, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: What a Painting of a Girl in a Blue Dress Has to Do With Your Garden

  1. In Texas this year was freakin tough to say the least. I was so discouraged but refused to stop. I was worn down alot more than once. However the pest pressure is slowly backing off and Temps are down about 10-15 degrees. Everything is taking off rather well at the moment,my cantaloupe vines are awesome as I have 23 in various stages growing all out

  2. My garden did really well, except for the cucumbers and the watermelons. I really wanted to try my hand at fermenting cucumbers to make pickles. I chose two different varieties of cucumbers from MIgardener. Out of 4 plants, I got maybe 6 cucumbers, total. It wasn't enough to fill a jar. So, I just ate them like I do anytime I have cucumbers–on sandwiches. It might have had something to do with where I was growing them in my garden bed; but, I will try something different next year. Maybe a different variety of cucumber.

    My tomatoes are just now starting to ripen and we will have our first frost soon. My peas, beans, collards, and kale have done really well. My carrots did better than they did last year; but, I still didn't get many. Every year that I get to garden is a learning experience; because, every gardening season is different from the year before.

  3. AMEN! Knee replacement this fall and thinking about no garden next year. Spending the year amending the soil, resetting the garden design. Still back door tomatoes and cucumbers. God Bless and stay safe.

  4. There is always something to be grateful for. I am glad you are encouraging others to keep trying. The only way to truly fail is to never try.

  5. Stuff happens and you gotta roll with the punches. Of course you should ALWAYS plant a garden, if you plant nothing, guess what? You get nothing! My Spring was great, Summer was horrid, so I threw everything I had into my Fall garden and put in cold frames and will be trying my hand at that too! We humans think we have control over everything lol we have limited control and the bad seasons make you more grateful for the good seasons! Not may gardens will do well with all things every season! I just tell peeps "Buck up little camper (gardener) keep on pressing on!" lol I take videos and pics of all the great things in my garden and if I get frustrated I go back and watch them! There have been many seasons past and many more to come (I hope if I'm livin'). PLUS I learned soooo much this year! And….I got exercise and got to be outside in the sunshine (and rain) 🙂 Better plans in place in case we have a drought again next year! 🙂 Learning while I am leasing and hopefully will have a homestead next year and ALL my plans have changed due to all I have learned!!! 🙂 Thank you for all you do for us!!!

  6. It took me most of May to put compost in my beds. As a result, many of my starts did not get planted until well into June. I thought I would have a failed garden this year, but you kept encouraging us that it wasn't to late to plany. So I did. I am now enjoying my cucumbers, onions, zucchin and summer squash. My beets, rutabaga, beans and peas and tomatoes are starting to ripen. I am enjoying my fall garden when it is normally gone by now. Sure, I didn't get peppers or melons planted this year, but you bet I will next year.

    Thanks for the encouragement Luke!

  7. Miphilosophy, great video. I went 1/5 with my garden crops this year, but it was my first year and I learned a ton. My cucumbers did great! Excited for next year and those to come. Thanks for your videos.

  8. I had a very challenging summer, mostly due to rodents – squirrels, rats, mice simply took over. Was I upset, yes…but did I learn a lot? Absolutely. I learned so much about squirrels, rats, and mice and voles – how they think and operate, and I developed empathy as well – the poor critters are desperate from the drought. But I got to spend quality time with my husband and son on how to outsmart them…and I would not trade that quality time for anything. Thanks for helping put things in perspective, Luke…and yes, grow big or go home!! Looking forward to next season!

  9. This year it seemed like everything was working against me. The pest population exploded, and I had record numbers of rodents, squash bugs, and some highly persistent deer. The municipal compost pile was not available this year, because the town had dredged out the pond at the local nature center and added that to the compost, meaning it will take until next year before it's decomposed enough. The large linden tree out front had sucked up all the soil amendments and grew a ton of leaves, which shaded out anything I tried to plant in the beds underneath. We had a late start to the growing season since this spring was cold even after the last frost.

    At least I have the stage set for next year. We're going to have the linden tree trimmed, which will give us some much needed woodchips. Several species of edible mushrooms started growing wild in the mulch. I've gotten some edible flowers and plants to self-reseed completely by accident, and they're growing all over the place. I have more perennials set up for next year, and I've narrowed down the types of plants that grow better here so I can focus on them instead of wasting time on high-maintenance low-yield crops. I'm also building a cold frame for the first time, so we'll see how that goes.

  10. OMYGOSH , LUKE Thank you so much for the pep talk. I tend to be a perfectionist in almost everything including vegie and fruit gardening. This is my first year of both and I was so disappointed with some of my mistakes, but will learn from them. I was feeling very down the last two days as my husband offered to help build a LARGE raised bed garden in the future as well as purchase a greenhouse, and help install a vineyard. He's the best, but I was overwhelmed by with sadness about the things that didn't go well in the garden this year so didn't pull the trigger on any future projects. However, like you mentioned, focus on the positive…. I did have many things that went well, and was very surprised by the plants that wowed me, but was still feeling discouraged thinking that I couldn't possibly be good at tending to a large garden AND maintain and honor the greenhouse with multiple plants as they sit , waiting to be planted in-ground. You gave me a breath of fresh air, a pep talk that was completely perfect timing. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR KEEPING IT REAL!!!!. My best to your lovely family!!!

  11. Excellent video and a timely reminder of the blessings we have just to be able to be in our garden and to have the ability to try. Gratitude is the Attitude that sets the Altitude of life.

  12. You are soo right about it not being a good year gardening ! I thought you were going to talk about not being able to weed your garden. Ha! Ha! Hoping for everyone that next year will be better folks !

  13. Okay. How weird! I was just talking to my husband about this last night. It was my first year gardening and NOTHING was great! Even now, I am not even interested in Fall Gardening due to despair after pulling Peas with powdery mildew today. Yes, we got a harvest but not that great, then the season was over. I am in 5b Colorado and although our season is short, I expected more. Thank you for being honest and letting us know that it happens. I appreciated this video. Thank you Luke!!

  14. I’m in 9b. Struggling to get pepper flowers to stay but my Anaheim has 3. My pumpkin is worse for wear but I know what I’ll go differently. We hopefully just had our last day of 100+ degrees so we will see what cooler temps bring. First year for me.

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