March 14, 2025


😟 Not a fun topic but an important one! Stay ahead folks on your preps so that you can cushion any situations!
❤️ See you on the farm!
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~ Music by Epidemic Sound

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: 😟 PREPARE for Job LOSSES

  1. My place of employment burned down in June and I'm still struggling to find work. I got hired at a place and a week later they retracted the offer because they filled all the positions. Now I'm on a wait list. Still looking and grateful we don't have many bills and we have a nice stockpile.

  2. So true, but no channel is talking about local state school taxes and all other taxes.this should be a line in the sand taxes are on a yearly increase.its there only option now we must say No

  3. Speak the truth, in love. Always be prepared to tell others about the hope that is within you, in Christ Jesus. Talk to yourself, about what is true and what is real, rather than listen to yourself, because feelings are a very fleeting emotion. Wise people behave rationally and reasonably, and trust in God to walk with them, while fearful people behave rashly and foolishly, and allow themselves to be betrayed by Satan. Pray, as Solomon did, for wisdom. The perfect love of God casts out all fear.

  4. I love your videos. and honestly find them super helpful. sadly I've come to notice things that you mentioned in the video. I'm preparing my little family for probably a bad winter. between hearing its supposed to be super cold.. up to raising prices of everything. and people not being able to afford life it seems. I'm trying to remind my boys of what "could " happen. sending good vibes out that it isn't as bad as it seems to be going.

  5. Greetings patera…glad i found ya..your a smart cookie…lived up on roan mt.
    Tn. Is a pretty state. Moving to missouri going to attempt to build a cb house at 67 should be another journey…looking forward to the new…tata for you

  6. If anyone knows how to crochet now would be a great time to crochet caps, gloves, scarves and afghans for family & friends and they will also make great barter items and you can sell them as well. People will need the extra warmth this winter

  7. Years ago, my husband and I acquired copies of Reminisce Magazine, and some if the books they published.

    They are a great resource , people sharing stories of how they got through hard times during the Depression and the world wars.

  8. Dry beans are best…for the price and a meat substitute that works.
    Two pounds a day with rice and whatever else you can find….
    Lot's of salt…… plus basic extras.
    Coffee that's instant, less heating time.
    Dry milk, can creamer.
    Praying for God's control…and being responsible is needed.

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