March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Why People Thought Tomatoes Were Poisonous 🍅

For hundreds of years, many people believed that tomatoes were poisonous.
Find out the mysterious reason why in this short video, where Ben plays the detective and the victim!

…Spoiler alert: Don’t worry, we believe that eating tomatoes is safe!

For more on how to grow them, check out these videos:

Growing Tomatoes From Sowing to Harvest

Why Aren’t My Tomatoes Fruiting?

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why People Thought Tomatoes Were Poisonous 🍅

  1. Except they actually are poisonous in a way. The lectin content in their skins and seeds are quite high, which can lead to inflammation over time…I can no longer eat even a slice on a burger without bloating and nausea. And it kinda makes sense…they are a member of the nightshade family, and nightshade is a known poison…

  2. be good to know more about nightshades … often hear they're bad for you … but also hear that tomatoes are good to help avoid cancer … confusing … thanks

  3. This is a myth, they ate a variety of solanum nigrum with red berries in Italy for thousands of years and when tomatoes arrived they embraced them as a bigger variety of the same thing they always grew which is why tomatoes are popular in Italian cooking today. The story of the guy eating the tomato in public is a myth, please stop perpetuating it, it's a bit racist.

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