Growing kale from seed, not that exciting. Lower leaves died off in the end, could be multiple reasons for that. At least this one is done and i can move on to more interesting plants
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All that just to get kale…
Although the new leafs uncoiling looks pretty cool!
Відос топ продолжай в томже духе
I was going to ask how you grow something in 78 days in 2 weeks.
…but then realised you CAN actually have more than one ongoing project at a time, lol.
Please, do a compilation of herbs timelapse from seeds.
Can you tell me what kind of soil you use for your videos please. P.S these videos are truly amazing.
do anthurium
So pretty. And crunchy.
Thank you for putting in the work for these videos. I'm constantly amazed at the beauty of nature!
Love Kale. But that's only in cooler times. Kale taste horrible when grown in the summer time heat.
Beautiful! And that, my friends, is how you grow the Pizza Hut salad bar decoration to hide the ice that kept the salad bar offerings cold.
Watching any plant grow in time lapse is fascinating and beautiful to me… I don’t see this as being boring at all!
can you not plant chili trees
Огромное спасибо вам за такой впечатляющий труд! Обожаю ваши видео! Очень успокаивает) пожалуйста, не останавливайтесь!
Do a purple ufo pepper next
nice, I'm gonna try growing a kale now!
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