March 12, 2025

VIDEO: Nana Says Gardening Can Save You! 👌

Nana weighed in on what our family did & ate during & post Depression.
❤️ See you on the farm!
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~ Music by Epidemic Sound

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Nana Says Gardening Can Save You! 👌

  1. My mom is 90. 91 in March. The stories she tells us about life back then. Is knowledge!!!
    They farmed and lived off the land. Helped others as they could.
    Only once can she remember getting anything for Christmas.8 siblings. Lived on an Island.
    They survived!!
    My mom always says “History repeated itself “.

  2. i do not know how to hash tag but 'nana'.
    my grandparents were born befor 1900
    my west virginia gp's did not feel any depression changes because that is tthe way they always lived

  3. but they were dead earlier. their kids did not see any difference but my daddy was in air force in ww2 and was sent to europe, where things were not appalachian. he was born in 1911 in cowhidwe wva which is apparently no longer extant! quite the eye opener.

  4. Patara you will be so proud of me! I grew my first eggplant this year (had a slow start due to mites and aphids) but have 6 eggplants growing on one plant now! And I ate my first eggplant and I seed saved like 40 seeds maybe? Thank you for everything!

  5. Lol I heard him too. He is good – knowledgeable but I thought he was nuts about the gardening. During the depression they did garden….. even people in the city had gardens. The numbers for starvation he quoted would have been a whole lot higher if people hadn’t had gardens during the depression….Linda S.

  6. My late father and his brothers lived near the Pacific Ocean and fished, hunted for ducks, doves and quail, and had a home veggie garden during the depression years. Their parents both had paying work that was steady but paid very little. The two older boys worked when possible after school. My Mother's parents also had jobs. My mom worked in the school cafeteria to earn free lunches during the school days. Grandma also had urban chickens in a roof top chicken coop for eggs and meat. Mom also gardened in a small yard on the side of the apartment building Grandma managed in lieu of rent.

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