March 15, 2025

VIDEO: 🎃 SMASHING Pumpkins & A Story of My Papaw 🎃

Stand tall, y’all! 🎃🧡🎃
Stay busy! 🧡
❤️ See you on the farm! 10-31-2022
~ Goshen Prepping HERE:

🌟 Seed To Seed HERE:

~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

Patara’s Social Media:
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*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

~ Music by Epidemic Sound

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: 🎃 SMASHING Pumpkins & A Story of My Papaw 🎃

  1. Your story about the loss of your papaw touched me. Our youngest was born on Halloween. He too passed 12 years ago in September just weeks before his 17th birthday. In memory of all who have gone to heaven before us they are saving a place for us. God bless

  2. Family is important. I was not able to be around either of my grandparents much. Very little actually because dad was military and we moved around a lot. You were so lucky to be able to learn soooo much from your grandparents.❤

  3. I can picture Patara scolding her kids: "listen y'all, here's the deal. Clean your room or you're not having any of these fresh granny biscuits with your dinner!" I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you share your life with us!

  4. You shouldn't back down if someone tries to take ANYTHING you have! Thank GOD, we still have the 2nd amendment! I'm not advocating violence, but one day it could be pumpkins and the next something else you cherish

  5. Patana thank you for telling your stories. They encourage me to keep to the light in a time when darkness is gathering, and to continue to prepare while leaning on the Lord. Thanks so much!

  6. You said he made a stand but to me it seems more like he taught you a lesson to protect what you care about. Just me but it was a nice story. God bless.

  7. Thank you for that uplifting story.
    I was blessed yesterday. Went to Quick Care, was told to go straight to ER as they were sure I was having a heart attack-went to ER-tests ran but I have Bronchitis and Pneumonia.
    For now, I’ve opted out of taking the steroids and antibiotics because the side affects seem worse than my illnesses. I am using the inhaler and I feel so much better today. Today I felt so alive. I’ll not fret about the lost 3; but come back better with 6! Thank you!

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