March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Solar Fertility Systems with Mark Dempsey and Pat Battle

Join Mark Dempsey and Pat Battle for this Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Sustainable Agriculture Conference session from the 2021 online conference about solar energy capture in plants and how sunshine can maximize fertility by feeding the microbial soil food web. Ramping up fertility with the sun and the soil food web can be done by working with a diversity of plants that act as soil regulators. Combining plants in ways that engage natural synergy improves nutrient access for all the plants and microbes from available resources.

Register now for the 37th annual Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s Sustainable Agriculture Conference happening November 5-7 in Durham, NC. CFSA’s SAC is the largest and longest-running sustainable agriculture gathering in the southeast. It’s back in-person with more than 80 sessions, 160 speakers, 50 exhibitors, and 7 on-farm intensives.
Learn more at

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Solar Fertility Systems with Mark Dempsey and Pat Battle

  1. Thank you so much for the ongoing support! We have 32acres in New Mexico that we're moving to from CA to practice sustainable farming. Your videos have been invaluable to what we're trying to do.

  2. There something called the weed abatement program that is racist towards certain plants. Someone has a job to drive around and take photos and issue fines because green vegetation will eventually be a fire hazard but please stack fire wood neatly. If we let nature work stupid can’t sell a product and a job. We need to fill a mine with compost and after it’s full in 20 years wait another 20 years and grow a redwood tree in it with irradiation attention to grow the worlds largest tree.

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