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Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm
Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.
There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.
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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):
– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:
– Growers Solution:
#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening
I really liked this video. It is nice to see what to stock up on and how to do it!! Eventually ~ I want to do an Azure order to help stock my pantry. Ya know – I just have to say ~ I just got into canning and also dehydrating && I’m watching lots of YouTube videos. You’re by far my favorite channel and would love to see the preservation side of your homestead. I’m learning and would love to learn from the best!!
Yes, love to see not only what you are buying but why you're buying it. Make an ice ring and put a few of the lemons in it for a punch or put it on top of your tea after its steeped or just put it in a glass of water.
Also I order from Azure every month or so because I buy bulk too. I have the best stocked spice cabinet in the whole neighborhood and that's how I got it so inexpensively. I make those same late night choices. I bought sugar this last time and I was like…why you have like 4 half gallon jars full of sugar hahaha.
I've been having trouble finding roaster ovens for sale in Australia… If any Aussies have some inside knowledge or recommendations, I'd love to know!! xx
I love videos of daily life, especially errands. Gives me good ideas, like a good chat with a friend or neighbor. Makes the day a little less lonely.
You could use the sliced lemon in wassail, the hot spicy apple/cranberry drink you make in the slow cooker for Christmas (you know, that Christmas caroling song "Here we come a wassailing among the leaves so green" )
Love it! Have you bought their potatoes in bulk? Have they kept well or do they come already real clean? I'm trying to find a way to supplement what we got from our crop of potatoes this year. It would be wonderful if this worked. Thank you for all of your time and energy!
Curious what the deal with bought chocolate the more watch everyone video the more feel like I need throw out all my food start all over fresh. I've started an Azure Standard order many times and have yet to do it the main reason bc my work schedule always changes never fails am afriad to order and not make it
I like bulk. Thanks for sharing.
I appreciate your warmth and welcoming attitude. Each time I tune in I learn something or at least get more information on something. I know I will never have a homestead like yours but I want to be prepared and always enjoy learning new ways of purchasing and storing items. Thank you. God Bless!
Have the kids make a garland with fresh cranberries, dried lemons, and cinnamon sticks. Beautiful and fragrant. Simmer some for home scent.
I, personally, loved this – true, I love most all of your videos, but…
This one took me back to my younger days in the late '70s/early '80s when I was on my own and in and out of college, and my friends and I were in a big food-buying co-op for a few years. We did the same, ordered in bulk once a month, from a big natural/organic warehouse/distribution place in Iowa called Blooming Prairie, if I recall correctly. We got stuff in huge amounts, and would gather here or there after the order came in to unload it, and split it up to fulfill 130 to 150 different folks' orders each month.
I was one of the people in charge of packaging, and my loyal crew of volunteers were wonderful – like the sociology professor who brought his own big knives and sharpeners and cut up our huge 40 lb blocks of cheese into smaller pounds or two pounds or whatever was ordered. Or the brave ones who endured breaking down a 5 gal sized bucket of peanut or cashew butter (still a big favorite of mine, yum!) into small jars for orders. Not fun, the nut butters were of course natural and had to be stirred first, whew! Weighing out dry goods was a breeze compared to things like those!
Anyway, I had a lovely flashback, and enjoyed the whole thing, thanks! (((hugs!)))
Your lemon rinds or orange rinds I make them in the food freeze drier. I put one in my drinking water. I just use one in a large glass of well water. You buy like I do.
What Cindi LeRoy said.
I love it that I am not the only one who gets an idea that requires ordering something like dried lemon slices, then when they arrive I can’t remember why I wanted them. I love all your content!
Yes love this content! Keep on keeping on lol
Yes, this kind of video is helpful. Jess, please remember that what is regular or boring to you is not regular for a lot of people. You live a different and interesting life and have the ability to find resources and information that so many of us do not. Please remember your "long" garden tour and how you didn't think people would care to watch. Your life is about more than a garden and we're here for it. Thanks for sharing with us
Are you sure about the pronunciation of Azure? I would have guessed it was like the color with the accent on the first syllable A. Or does the company pronounce it differently?
Loved this video. Don't mind at all if you take us shopping at Azure any time
If you put food in Mylar bags with proper oxygen absorbers you do not need to freeze the item. Nice haul we love azure
Thank you for showing your Azure haul! I use them because there is a drop 2 miles from my house, and the grocery store is 75 miles away. Yes, I do some impulse buying with them, but hey, it's less and healthier for us than from the big box stores. Having to depend on Azure has actually lessened my grocery bill, now that I have to shop my pantry instead of always running to the store every couple of days. I truly enjoy all your videos, whether it's gardening, animals, doing the everyday stuff or just sharing your thoughts on life. Keep it up
Hey Jess I really enjoy waiting you sharing your grocery haul with us, I find them rewarding and helpful in allot of ways for us that are on a budget. I can’t afford to buy in bulk so I normally have to buy one item at a time. But it’s just three of us in my house so we do not go through allot of things as a big family of your size would. But I thoroughly enjoy watching. Thank you for sharing