March 26, 2025

VIDEO: The Magic of Weeds in Water

Today’s video shares the magic of putting weeds in water for a productive and healthy vegetable garden! It also covers other uses for weeds, what is a weed anyway, and how to deal with weeds that have gone to seed. Happy gardening!

How to clear a garden full of weeds blog:

The Vegetable Growers Handbook:
The Nature of Food:

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Video topic inspired by James Hoffman ‘The Magic of Salt in Coffee’

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Magic of Weeds in Water

  1. Just bought your newest book. It's excellent, even as a longer term gardener and fan of permaculture there are loads of new tips in there that are so useful. Love the simple, clear, peaceful presentation. Very nice read. Great for dreaming up plans for next spring during the darker months!

  2. What you are calling a liquid feed is better known as "compost tea." Similar can be made in the home using kitchen cuttings and waste in an old juice container. This is an excellent feed for house plants all year long.

  3. I use a mushroom bag from a supermarket and fill it with greens from left over from juicing and weeds. I pack the bag like a giant teabag and place in a bucket of water. That way I don't have to strain, I can just pour the water directly into watering can.

  4. Would compressing down the weeds with a heavy brick extract the 'juice' from the weeds?without infusing them in water.I use that method for my comfrey and dilute the concentrated liquid as required.I find that the stench is almost eliminated.

  5. I'd much rather use compost. I tried the jadam technique, but found that the container smelled to high heaven and was a mosquito breeding ground. In theory it sounds great, but as an urban gardener I don't have the open space for it.

  6. Hello Huw,
    Thanks for sharing those tips.
    How do you test it in order to know if the liquid is ready or not?
    I did a batch with nettles months ago, but after like a month I could not handle how it stunk. I used it all, but I have no idea what the end product nutrients looked like.

  7. Hi, Huw, your weed and greens tea demonstration is so encouraging, especially being a simple approach. I used chop-and-drop during these last two months of the main growing season here in Seattle, WA, US, to prepare for LOTS of rain and winter. But this new approach is so welcome to start in Spring plant feeding. Looking forward to this change in my gardening, for sure. Who knew we could love weeds?!

  8. Thank you for the warning about not using the full concentration. It's tempting to think "I'm giving the plants extra food!" but too much of a good thing could be harmful.

  9. I'm ok with the smell while its brewing; I get that nature stinks sometimes. But when I dip out some to use it getson my hands and reeks for days. I love the idea but execution is miserable. Any tips?

  10. My apologies….. Please someone inform me what did Huw call the plant he pulled at 2:25-26.

    I have auditory problems and cannot afford the extravagant fees for hearing aids. Even with setting the Playback speed to lower counts like .75 I often cannot make out certain words. I'm concerned that I may be missing important information.
    Huw, I learn SO much from your videos and have tried numerous of your ideas. I'm in Central Louisiana zone 9. Very different weather here, nevertheless I apply many of your systems to my yearound garden. Tk you L

  11. Great video Huw. Does your Dock leaf fertiliser replace the need for shop bought tomato feed?
    I’d like to find a natural way to feed chillies during the fruiting stage.

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