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It’s late October and we haven’t had our first frost yet, so the farm is still filled with most of our summer flowers. We still have zinnia and lisianthus blooms, and even our Dahlias are yet to be touched by frost. This unseasonably warm weather can’t continue for long though, and our farm business has big plans to sell dried flowers all winter, but to do that we need a lot of stock. So we need to get to work harvesting all our best flowers to hang them up to dry, so that we have a tonne of dried flowers to arrange for our Christmas markets. This video is a chance for us to celebrate the end of our farm season, and to look forward to an even better next season.
Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!
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My great grandma lived to 100 so I knew her for at least 1/2 my life. She was the queen of Dahlia's. She provided flower arrangements for her country church every Sunday and entered arrangements at the local competitions every year. They were big, colorful and most of them looked like 4th of July fire works. My childhood memories are a bit vague but I seem to remember her putting a match to the bottom of her dahlia stems before putting into water. Does that make sense to anyone? I'm a fan, but not enough to grow them myself. To have to stake, deadhead, water, fertilize and dig up before winter is more work than I want to give to my flowers. My first love in gardening is growing food and experimenting with all the different varieties. I'm growing 17 different watermelons and 32 different tomatoes this 2023 garden year. I usually have 130 to 150 different seeds to start each year. I find great affection watching you in your gardens. We are def. in the cold season now and I'm headed out to shovel chip for about 60 min to get my exercise during the winter. So giving a shout out from Aurora, Oregon at a balmy 43 degrees. Just down the street from a famous dahlia farm in Canby.
Oh my Gosh! “Now you need to plant bulbs” !?! Lol!
You two Crack me up, reminds me of myself so much. I think there’s going to be a warming trend coming up, you’ll get it all done. I’m looking at planting 150 peonies, keeping my fingers crossed that this warming trend happens, peony should arrive this week..
Maby you can spray drayed flowers/grasses gold, silver …. for christmas. We can buy them here to make pur one piece.
We were at 29 degrees F this morning. Brrrrrrr…. I shouldn't complain. Between now and the end of March, we'll see much worse…
It's so satisfying to watch all the harvesting and drying!!!
Sad? you're living the life right:) So thankful for your work on the farm and in your presentation. I pray that you, your family and friends are refreshed in the coming holiday season and new season!
Excited to see all the things you do with dried flowers this winter! Also, I was super excited to hear that Maarn/Sylvia is your favorite dahlia, bc it’s mine too!
Since you weren't able to get the bulbs planted (or the peonies), it is my suggestion that you plant them in boxes. Then in the spring plant the boxes where you would have planted the bulbs. The box will rot out and add to the soil. It's not like you need to water them. The peonies could also be planted in boxes unless you have containers for them. Best of luck with all that.
Oh, statice flower crown is such a boho thing, love it, even dried one.
I hope you can have the bulbs planted for the next video!
Omg you have lots and lots of dried flowers! I can't wait to see how you sell them all!
I loved today's video because was the end of the season. You've finished already the heavy season and even if you still have some heavy stuff to do (cof, cof, bulbs, cof, cof) you're pretty much done. You deserve some rest!
Are saving the dailas rots for next year
You two are the hardest working most down to earth farmers/Gardners (whatever you are called) I watch. Yoy have inspired me to do a huge flower garden in 2023. Can't wait till the seed catalogs start arriving.
You guys should show us the veggies you plant for yourselves you grow the prettiest veggies I ever seen I don't know how people can resist them at market
I went to sort through all my dried flowers yesterday, which are hung in an excellent drying shed through the summer. After two weeks of torrential rain, 80% had gone mouldy! It was like a punch in the gut! So my season is ending early and hopefully that will prove a blessing in disguise. I loved looking at all yours though and I hope that they sell well!x
Serina , the hair suits you.
Would you grow poppies fortheseed pods in your dried arrangements?
Its okay Dahlias also hate Alberta
Noooooooo! What an ending! I'm sure you guys will make a great plan! Well wishes
So I think that brides are incorporating dried flowers in their wedding!!
Why sell the stem you pull off the dahlia, I would buy