March 27, 2025


🥩 When people are hungry-they’ll be coming for yours, too.
🧡 See you on the farm! 11~18~2022
~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

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PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

~ Music by Epidemic Sound

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: 💥 DOOMSDAY & Vegan 💥

  1. Hey Patera, you just gave a perfect Micro Econ example for Price Elasticity of Demand for the Food Problem.

    When your budget is $15 a pound, but filet is $40 a pound, you’ll be eating in your range, that also means alot of other people will also be boxed out of that high range so it actually creates hyperinflation at the lower price points as well… It’s a very vicious cycle

  2. I have been sitting here up on this mountain top thinking the same things. I discovered dandelions growing all over the property. We have been sauteing them with onions, garlic and soy sauce and adding them to ground beef and also to curried chicken, also adding them to soups and stews.. Thank you heavenly Father!

  3. How many of these food geniuses actually own a firearm to hunt game? I bet they think they'll all turn into Native American warriors who are experts with handmade bows.
    People are so delusional.

    I was ready to be triggered, but you spoke 100% truth and no one is aware of it! I'm a 20+ year vegetarian and a 9 year gardener. I am fully aware that there may be a day we can't buy anything so I've been growing and expanding skills with a vengance. Since beans are our main protein our family has spent a few years now growing, drying, harvesting, and shelling beans to get an idea of the work load and possibilities of having enough protein for a year. (The kids do shelling by hand several nights a week most of the winter while I read aloud.) It would take 1/5 to 1/4th of an acre to provide us with enough beans for a year. It would take a miracle from above for us to be able to manage to grow and store that much and still grow all the other crops we would need for calories. (We do have our own chickens for eggs as well, but worse case scenario could we even keep them alive??)

    People just don't realize. Like Noah, we have to be doing EVERYTHING within our power and be ready for God to fill in where we can't.

  5. There are some very scary times ahead, we are already in a depression I think. Just to many people still have their head in the sand. I did not think about the crashing of higher levels into lower levels. IF we just take a minute to review the effects of the great depression of 1929 that is where we are heading but worse because less people know how to grow their own food, make their own clothes, preserve their food. I believe you are correct about those who have not prepared taking from those who have. History tends to repeat itself.

    Thanks for being willing to say what needs to be said and for being a voice of reason.

  6. I like meats and dairy products but have also researched alternatives by practicing vegan and vegetarian recipes as well. We are lucky to have many cultures to choose from.

  7. Nope most people have not seen this I can't say that I have. My son is a Marine he went to Somalia one year on a mission manitarian mission. He saw starving children children that had lost limbs it broke his heart he has not been the same since he come home. He hates to see people put food on their plate and not eat it.

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