January 10, 2025

VIDEO: 🥩 Are Higher Beef Prices Coming? 🍔

🥩 2023 is looking to be a year of many challenges including higher food prices especially beef! Please prepare as much as you can. Everything counts! 💥
🥩 Article HERE: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/dwindling-us-cattle-herd-implies-supermarket-beef-prices-may-rise-even-more?fbclid=IwAR1v7UO5XxZYU1FJP0xAait3R_9CXJDqVSF6ThzDEZy8r1ACOlQOWbeO_Xg
🧡 See you on the farm! 11~17~2022
~ All American 921 Canner: https://amzn.to/3w88tpG
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle: https://amzn.to/3ot1KEb
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6

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~ Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~ Facebook Premium Group: goo.gl/n4bnMo
~ Instagram:https://goo.gl/PjL8qp

🧡 EMAIL HAPPENINGS HERE: appalachiashomesteadwithpatara@outlook.com

🧡 Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

~ Music by Epidemic Sound

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 🥩 Are Higher Beef Prices Coming? 🍔

  1. I’ve got about 40 pounds of roast canned. Not much, but it is a start. I’ve also got about 50 pounds of chicken canned. Again…not much but it’s a start.
    I do not like hamburger canned because of the softness of the meat afterwards.
    I keep canning. I will keep canning.

  2. Thank you for continuing to share this information. We will definitely continue to see these prices keep rising. Trying to purchase meat from our local farmers will be essential, if you aren't able to grow it yourself. It also makes me thankful that I can garden to offset some of these rising prices. Plants can give you such a wonderful return on investment. A couple of years ago we had four pinto bean seeds that germinated. From those four plants, we harvested enough seeds to plant this year and harvest pounds of beans. That ROI is more than I am seeing on dollars in the bank! Keep prepping!

  3. I am hearing again of railroad strikes coming in December. Also they are getting ramped up to roll out the CBDC, which is nothing I want to be a part of. Also I heard vaccine passports are going to be implemented again. They are running the fast track to squeeze us every which way they can.

  4. I tried to buy romaine hearts yesterday in SE Missouri grocery. 12.98 for a bag of 3!!!!! I will be growing in my hydroponic tower in the basement this winter.

  5. they know people will revolt soon thats whu they are lying to us and people are already revolting all over the world the media just not reporting it and everything necessary for survival will still continye to go up and up

  6. Do you plant the seeds you roast?? Just curious. I've been saving seeds 50+ yrs, thanks to my gram & granny. I have never heard of anyone planting after they've been roasted.
    Thanks for making the time to share and bless everyone.

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