March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Behind the Scenes of How We Pack All Our Seeds!

Behind the scenes we pack 700 varieties of seed. I wanted to show you what it looked like and answer some popular questions in the process!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Behind the Scenes of How We Pack All Our Seeds!

  1. What sux about launch day, is yer doing it at noon on a Monday when most people are working and cannot participate in the giveaways such as myself.. Why not do it at like 5pm when most people are home from work?

  2. Outstanding! I'll think about this video every time I watch your how-to videos and every time I go through your site picking out my seeds. I have a nice list ready to order as soon as the seeds are available.

  3. This video was excellent thank you for posting it. I honestly never knew this is how you pack the seeds and who/where you get the seeds from it makes me feel even better buying seeds from your great company.

  4. I'd love to come up to the store, but I'd spend way too much (and it's a bit of a drive)! Can't wait to order my seeds, also ordering seeds for my daughter for Christmas.

  5. Can't wait to buy seeds from you again, Luke. Your stuff has been super high quality. I've been keeping my seeds in an unheated garage over winter which gets cold enough to over winter my garlic and strawberries in because my outside temps get that cold. It can, on occasion, get into the teens in the garage when we hover around zero (F) or below outside. Will that harm my seeds or should I be keeping them in the house where the temps are around 71 degrees F?

  6. I'm very excited for launch day! I appreciate that your company has taken the time to think about employee's physical health–hand packing the seeds seems like it'd eventually take a toll on the hands and lead to carpal tunnel.

  7. The entire process looks so awesome. Love that you still have older machines that have been tailored for today's applications. I can't wait for launch day! I already wrote down my list and anxiously waiting.

  8. That was really neat to see how all that works. Thanks for filming the behind the scenes. I listened to a sermon on the radio this morning about integrity and I would say you have that covered. Integrity and sincerity. Thank you! Looking forward to Monday.

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