March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Your Garden Will LOVE This

Do you hate waste, but love online shopping? Of course, we recommend shopping locally whenever possible, but on the occasion when all that packaging that comes through our doors, what can we do with it all?! Bubble wrap, polystyrene and cardboard boxes can be a nuisance to recycle. Fear not! Ben has lots of clever suggestions for how to reuse your packaging in your garden so that none of it goes to waste.

Here at Grow Veg, we don’t endorse Amazon, but love them or loathe them, packaging is everywhere. If you’re not an online shopper yourself, why not ask your neighbours for their unwanted packaging- let’s reuse this in the garden and give something back to the Earth, quite literally!

Want more tips for recycling? See this playlist:

For more videos on composting, watch these next:

How to Make a Compost Bin from Pallets

Supercharge Your Compost Heap

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Your Garden Will LOVE This

  1. Whether you love or loathe Amazon, there's a huge amount of packaging being delivered to homes these days. Even if you don't receive packages, other people near you probably do. Which of my tips for reusing packaging do you like the best? Are there any other ways you've used packaging in your own garden? Please share them below!

  2. EXCELLENT info… Just found your channel this am.. already have been laying cardboard down all over the garden.. But, you added sooo much more useful info.. Will do, as well.. Thank you!!!

  3. I used to get leaves from neighbors but with curbside recycling, they don’t want to be bothered, even if I offer to bring my bin so I can take it and use it in my yard. Their rationale is that it is being composted anyway. Sure, but you have city trucks having to pick up the bins, haul it to the center and then individuals will add more fossil fuel to go drive across town to get it. It’s as if people are afraid you will benefit from their refuse. I used to used newspaper for weed barrier as well along with mulch 30 years ago before cardboard boxes were common.

  4. Thanks for your video. Love the idea of reusing these cardboard for garden purposes. Although I’m from Thailand, which there is no winter, I got lots of new ideas. We have a land that we just plants some mango trees and we partially used all these cardboard boxes ( that we got from online shopping) on the ground to prevent all those weeds. Thanks. Just subscribed.

  5. I live in Sweden where it is very cold during winter. I have a balcony which is glass covered. but it is very cold inside during this time. I would like to make this balcony my kitchen garden as I can understand I can use it as a green house. If I use popping bubble wrap can I make it enough insulated for growing plants inside? Could you please suggest which vegetables can I grow in this kind of weather? Not to mention, Sweden is often gloomy during this time.

  6. Hats off to you my good man. Your cardboard hack saved me a trip to the local recycling depot. I had resigned myself to a trip to rid us of a huge cardboard box we received with the purchase of our now 9 year olds trampoline. I now also score brownie points with our son for employing the, reduce, reuse and recycle method. Cheers!

  7. You unwittingly gave another 'hack'! My boxcutter has made a mess on my garden bench and the cardboard i put down is not up to the task. An old cutting board certainly would help! I'm off to the basement where a particularly ugly board was stored 'in case'.

  8. This is so good to know. I’m a new garden who adopted my garden from a once avid gardener who was in the house 60 years. Due to old age it was overgrown which I worked through my first year, now I’m uncovering some of her artistry. However the amount of styrofoam is exhausting at times!

  9. We do a fair bit of juicing and the pulp goes nuclear quickly. You can actually feel the heat generated in a plastic bag within a few hours. How can I maximize this green gold ? Just mix it with finely mulched dry oak leaves?

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